Dyfi is due to open its doors for the new season today - as yet no cam online.

This thread = as per title.  There is another thread for the overall Dyfi Osprey Project.

Over the past couple of years the upkeep of the stats etc on DyfiOspreyProject.org has tailed off.

We are not permitted to publish videos, however last season I did some restricted to "Unlisted" status, which means they are not visible to general YouTubers and must not be shared.

All pictures (and videos) ©Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust ©Dyfi Osprey Project  


YOUTUBE CHANNEL, where LIVE cam link can always be found.


Idris took over from (((Monty))) in 2019, partnering Telyn (Blue3J) thru to last season, when they raised two boys, Tywi & Teifi, to successful migration.  Idris is a fine osprey, as witnessed by his fishing feat during the storm of August 2020:

And Telyn is a feisty female, defending vs allcomers.

I have to use a duplicate "collage" because I just can't find a good pic of the two together.

We're probably going to have a long wait for our couple's return, but here's to it!

  • I thought I glimpsed a full-screen egg but can't track it down now.  This is the best I can find, there doesn't seem to be a lot of cam management:

    Idris eventually got to mate:

  • Just a pure guess, but I wonder if the probably-still-reduced Dyfi Osprey Project and Dyfi Nature Centre staff (and some volunteers if Welsh rules permit; an outside reserve near us in England is now able to open to the public and they permit volunteers) are busy trying to get the reserve visitor-ready rather than sitting watching the camera constantly. Think I read that all being well, Dyfi will be able to open in a couple of weeks.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • er

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • There was a comment from DOP on the chat that they had spent three whole days watching the webcam and then Telyn laid while they were on their way to the centre! That’s why there weren’t any close ups at the time. And yes, they are flat out at the moment.
  • Thanks ALISON Idris was incubating earlier but it was difficult to see as the picture kept flashing between nightcam colours and extremely dark Telyn took over just after 5 past 7
  • Idris has flown

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Teky and Idris being disturbed by unseen intruders for some time I couldn't post before as was eating lunch
    Telyn stood up and was looking around Idris landed for a second but then shot off Telyn remaind standing for some time before settling to incubate again After a while a corvid I think came to close to the nest As the cam was on closeup you couldn't see exactly who it was but Telyn started scolding and Idris flew in and stood at theback of the nest He stayed there for some time and then Telyn got up and started twittering It seemsshewas asking Idris to take over incubation duties Just ashe got the message and was getting ready to settle down he shot off again
    Telyn back to incubating
  • patily said:
    Telyn and Idris being disturbed by unseen intruders...

    I don't feel too bad about not documenting that with snaps/vids because you did such a fantastic job with words, PATILY Blush

    Splodgology - we don't study it nowadays:

  • Moning all

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Great observations Patily ! Thank you so much. And thank you Limpy and Scylla for your lovely captuires