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  • scylla said:

    Mike B said:
    The answer, as with Dyfi, remains the same. It is felt to be too intrusive and there are no plans to include one.

    That sticks in ma craw, Mike, but thank you anyway


    I am with you Scylla - what is intrusive about a timeline like Loch Arkaig's....  (bottom left hand corner)  - Aren't we the rebels Scylla ha ha..... 



  • No birdies to show you today - it's been a brownish day with no river, hence waterbird, scenes.

    I'm not loving the new cam for nest and scenery but it's quite good for zooms.

  • scylla said:

    I'm not loving the new cam for nest and scenery but it's quite good for zooms.

    Agreed ....The new cam seems to struggle with focus at shorter nest zoom levels. Not sure we see much better detail at that close range zoom stuff than the old cam.
    I am also not too sure about the default colour renditions  either. Maybe if we give them time to calibrate colour and tune will improve. The default 'at rest' view, also maybe needs to be set slightly lower to capture more of the nest - just a wee bit

    I dont disagree with updating the cam though....we expect a lot of them, and we have to plan for reliability, given the old one has already given us quite a bit of useful life.

  • MaryGK said:
    what is intrusive about a timeline like Loch Arkaig's

    Exactly!  I'm seething inside because I'd love to be able to point that out to Heather/whoever, I have a mental list of snaps to show them.  And it's because their 'argument' doesn't hold water that I feel they just want to make life more difficult for us - by which I must mean "for me", oh dear.

    Glaslyn will have to be screen-captured with my own timeline, and both my recording laptops are crippled, one way or another.

    Dear KC3:

  • Trying said:
    The default 'at rest' view, also maybe needs to be set slightly lower to capture more of the nest - just a wee bit

    I think they may be having a problem getting the nest and the end of the perch within the frame?

    Trying said:
    I dont disagree with updating the cam though

    Me neither, Trying Slight smile  But normal 1080p would have been perfectly fine and less expensive/heavy than the much-vaunted 4K, IMHO.

  • I am hoping that the cam only needs some tweaking now to get it fully sharp.   Maybe it will be better when the birds return! 

    I felt the cam was pretty good before, but the bonus this year is having the electrical supply. 

    Screenshot this morning

    Screenshot last April 


  • Wood Pigeon on the perch for 8 minutes around 07:30 this morning - I've over-sharpened it, dang:

    So many Ravens to pester our family!  But it does show who the intruders really are Wink

    I read on Chat that a Wren has been paying fleeting/darting visits but have not broken my neck looking for it - Heather says she didn't manage to focus on it.

  • This afternoon - but I'm too late checking Chat to see if anyone knew what it was up to:

  • I managed to let today slip by! I did find a bird focused on in a tree but couldn't ID it, went to Chat and saw Heather say she'd decided a corvid was actually a Buzzard - no snap, it was unrecognisable, probably Heather had a better view.
  • Thanks Scylla for the new thread and all the info - superb :-)

    Here's wishing Mrs G and Aran a safe journey home and for another successful season.
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