Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 31 January 2021

  • OG - that must be an uplifting sight seeing all the snowdrops. Hope you are keeping reasonably well. Hope they can sort the drug situation out for you.

    Liindybird - just seen that your OH has been sent home. Hope the antibiotics/painkillers get to the bottom of what is the matter..
  • That's right, Lindy, keep cheerful. Glad you sussed the microwave out and that OH is improving.
  • That's great news Limpy. A lot of us have now had it and hopefully after about 10 days will feel more confident of visiting local shops for any shopping required, this should be ok for us as Dau will have have finished her self isolation for Corvid by then.
  • I seemed to have hogged the last page, suffice to say have a good weekend all. KEEP SAFE AND WELL.
  • OG – Good that you passed your mammogram test. Now for your jab. J’s “fit notes” sound more positive than alternative name.

    LINDA – Even if you had found microwave instructions, they were probably useless. I suggest a ball & chain to keep your OH from getting busy too soon.

    BLUESKY – Welcome to the thread. Nearly time for nest-gazing.

    LIMPY – Congrats on getting “the call”. I’m sure I heard CLARE from here!

    ANNETTE – “socially distanced coffee and treats with Brit friend”. I misread it as if friend is in Brit. . .

    LYNETTE – Hope you are coping with your sudden restricted life.

  • I don't like morning people . . . or mornings, or people.

    I don’t mean to interrupt people. I just remember things randomly and get really excited.

    I haven’t lost my mind. . . half of it just wandered off, and the other half went looking for it.

  • Good Morning. Dry here with a sky which could threaten snow, which is in the forecast for some northern parts of UK. Expecting more cold weather this weekend. Its 3 degrees at the moment.

    My OH is slowly improving as the meds do their work. Yesterday I discovered that he hadn't taken his lunchtime painkiller <sigh> -- I have to keep track of what he has as he never seems to take things seriously when given meds.

    Love the quotes, AQ - they all seem to apply to me....
  • I've reported in the past that we have a lot of Magpies now. Here are 5 in the plum tree yesterday. 

  • And... 3 seconds later, here are 4 more in the ash tree at the same time....

    There were also at least two more flying around!!!!

  • LINDY - I'm afraid that my OH had to have his tablets presented to him...
    OG - it might have been been better if the TV instructions said to bring a letter if you have one! My appointment was by phone and text and no letter . I just arrived at the surgery car park at the time I was told and there were several girls in hi viz jackets going to each car taking details, and giving instructions.