Back later to catch up.
AQ Good that all is going smoothly. HARELADY - have you had your second blood test, sorry, can't recall but think it was due... LINDY - I'm puzzled about your difficulty getting on here using your tablet - the oldest one I use can still post on here. The only difficulty I have is it I'm using it when too far away from the bt hub. The two rooms here that are extensions are beyond the original house outside wall, if you know what I mean! The signal is poor in those rooms, that is the wee family room and the conservatory . Nothing exciting happening here, I haven't been out of the house this week. My hairdresser will not be coming here next Monday, obviously. Eldest son in law is at home as he is not needed at the school ( lab tech) Middle daughter only working at one of her schools as not permitted to work in two different schools. Granddaughter Katie is furloughed as is grandson Callum. Eldest daughter still working at her nursery with keyworkers' children.
Heather: Passport is a brand name. You might check with SiL because I have to copy my folders, etc., manually - it isn't automatic, whereas your computer will automatically save stuff to its hard drive.
Lindybird: I'm assuming your eldest connected the box to your computer, in which case you may still have to manually copy (click and drag) stuff over there.
I don't use the Cloud - that's where my knowledge ends. I prefer to save things here and not out 'there' although that could be old-world thinking. :-)