Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 December 2020


The new moon (the dark moon) is 14 December. I hope everyone has a safe, healthy week. Seek out joy, folks. 

Check back to last week's thread to see the latest posts, including one from Rosy. 

Red-Headed Woodpecker
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
National Park Service: NPS/Warren Bielenberg
Photo labeled Public Domain (copyright free)

  • Thanks for all your news.

    OG - pleased to hear that J's eye is fully healed and was successful

    Annette - I know what you mean about the cold calling - rings on forever until you answer it and then it just rings pff , no-one at the other end. Very annoying. Those that answer you I just tell them I don't do cold calling and hang up.

    Lindybird - lovely pic of your 3 grandchildren.

    Heard from my brother today. Christmas trip is off as his health is not good. Angina diagnosed and also growths in tummy. At present he hasn't got a full diagnosis because like all others with hospital appmts. they are put back until the virus recedes. He doesn't want contact with people until he says he has had the vaccine. Only his partner, who drops in weekly to see him - they live apart. So a very quiet Christmas with just the 3 of us.

    Made the mince pies today and a lovely smell eminated throughout the house all day - the smell of Christmas. Just to ice the cakes tomorrow and then begin wrapping family presents. Its all go. We've seen some sunshine today but also the rain appeared late afternoon.
  • Good Morning. Dry start today, so maybe my OH will manage to play half a round of golf (he often plays 12 holes) as the course will be almost under water in parts after all the rain lately. Incidentally, the route for HS2 goes right across half of the course, but his friends all laugh about it, as it will take so long for the line to reach this area, that they say they will all be "dead & gone!" by then. They are all veteran players, that is over 65.

    I'm going to attack the rest of the decorations and wrap my OHs presents whilst he's out.

    Thanks to AQ for the interesting links.
  • Good morning, all. Sorry for my recent absence ... not sure what happens to days at the moment. I don't seem to achieve a lot and yet the time goes.

    I have finally made the inevitable decision not to visit the family over Christmas. I'm listening to the medics and scientists, with the odd (very odd usually!) input from the politicians. Bearing in mind my sister is extremely vulnerable, and I would have to stay in an hotel, and being of an age which is classed as vulnerable (bah!!!), I have decided staying home alone is the only real option. Not happy about it - probably the most difficult decision I have ever had to make. I miss them all so much and Zoom doesn't really cut it. But common sense prevailing, it has to be done. I've looked through the television schedules, which make me very pleased that I have plenty of 'stored' stuff to watch. Might even manage to clear some space on the Sky box!!

    Have a good day, everyone. At the moment the sky is blue and cloudless, with a very gentle breeze. Looks more like spring than winter ... hope it lasts long enough to get a decent walk later.
  • Replies later, but just calling by with some news! J has resigned his job to concentrate for 6-12 months on his health and medications balance. As you can imagine, this has been under discussion for a few weeks. He is already much better for having made the decision. He may have to work a few days in January to "work out his notice" but school admin have requested a doctor's note to cover the period to 12th January - very complicated discussions about whether the christmas holiday should be included!

    E-E is at dentist right now for his big filling which has to be done before an extraction the other side and changes to his denture. She is doing it part private and part NHS.

  • OG - I can understand that this has been a difficult decision for J to make and for you and EE too. You've said here, before, that sometimes, life isn't always easy with J living with you both. I imagine that ground rules have been decided upon. If conditions at work have been exacerbating his anxiety levels, a break will be good.
  • OG Probably easier for you all now that the resignation is in place. I always think it is the indecision before that gets to you.
  • PAT - You have made your decision and it won't have been easy. Are there any folk living near you that would join you for a walk on Christmas Day or Boxing Day?

    I'm so sorry about your brothers ill health, it is shocking that he can't be seen....
  • Morning all:  Big article in the New York Times this morning on pandemic spending in the UK and how political connections dictated where the money went.  The headline says it all:  Waste, Negligence and Cronyism: Inside Britain's Pandemic Spending.  But don't feel bad, California has been inadvertently sending unemployment checks to folks in prison! Oh my.

    Lynette: Not good to hear that your bro is alone at home and unable to see doc, etc.  Will his partner be able to see him over Christmas?

    PatO:  That doesn't sound like a very satisfying visit given the considerations.  Maybe you can take some comfort in that you won't be the only one celebrating with the TV.  Hope you have some of your favorite snacks in stock.   Did you get your walk in?   Looks like the nasty storm that hit New York may be on its way over the Pond....   :-(

    OG:  A good decision if they can get a handle on J's meds, which can really screw things up if they aren't working or are working against each other.  His job sounded pretty stressful (teenagers with issues was it?)   Eeek. Let's hope it makes for a calmer Christmas for the three of you.

    Have to take the car back to Costco this morning.  I've noticed a definite vibration over 70mph since the new tires were put on - they'll be rebalancing them.   Also, OH asked me what I wanted for Xmas and I was torn between opal earrings to match a pendant he got me eons ago and a battery operated Cordless Pole Hedge Trimmer.  I borrowed the latter from a friend and it was brilliant, so guess what I'm getting (I mean, opal earring aren't going to be much help in the garden are they? - Maybe for my birthday.....?

    Take care everyone.

  • Sorry I've not been replying to posts. Had a really busy day and it was rounded off by spending over an hour on the phone to two people who both wanted desperately to talk. As I'd already put the oven on ready for dinner, it was a little frustrating but eventually we sat down to eat!

    Now its ten in the evening, and I'm still trying to do two things at once as I've not caught up on my day. Ho hum.

    OG -- I'm pleased to hear about J. He needs to sort out his health problems, and he needs not to worry about work.