Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 December 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Grab some joy where you can.

Stay strong, friends!

Cow moose grazing on willows
US National Park Service, NPS/Jim Peaco
Photo labeled Public Domain (copyright free)

  • Dibnlib, I always wanted one of those special lamps! -- maybe I should ask for the lamp instead of a picture, LOL!!

    Annette, how annoying that you need help with the battery fitting. Perhaps you might find someone local offering assistance in the local press? We seem to have several people offering services around here, quite often on an informal basis
  • I think I shall be mostly making very short posts over the next two weeks - getting a start on January Magazine so I am not doing it at Christmas! Also got a preparation schedule with something every half day - including some medical stuff myself and J. Made some spicey apple muffins this afternoon and also the chocolate log to freeze. Even the weekend looks quite busy according to the diary.

    I am enjoying reading your posts - and pleased to see AQ is behaving herself!
  • You will be busy, then OG! Take care and get some rest in between. I hope you'll have time to pop in and see our ramblings even if you can't write :-)

    And, of course, hope that J continues to improve.

    After my indecision about my present, I suddenly decided tonight and ordered......a totally different picture! This is a Lowry print, of boats in a harbour. I was browsing and saw it, and liked it immediately. Fingers crossed that I like it when it arrives.
  • SunnyKate2:  Thank you - I started with YouTube and it's very clear what I need to do, which is use a very thin flat tool to ease between the back of the computer and the front where the keyboard sits.  I don't have the specific tool one of the folks on YT used and don't want to scratch or otherwise mess up the case.  Switching out the actual battery is pretty straightforward.  I'll take the screws out tomorrow and check it out.

    Lindybird:  You read my mind.  If I can't do it easily I'll call the computer guy up the road and see if he can just pop the back.

    OG: How organized.  Good for you. I'm really behind on everything.  Let us know how J's meds adjustment goes.

    AQ: I'm not in a huge rush to get the vaccine; will see what my doc says when I  have my annual physical in January.

    Diane: Looks like a nasty winter storm in your area. Hope your little house is okay.

    Hallo to everyone - take care

  • Today’s – what shall I label it – events? progress? Anyway I have done a single load of washing, had 2 nanny naps and, next, I shall toss homemade meat pie into toaster oven & a few veg into saucepan for tea. Yes, OG, I am behaving. I finished another book. Temp reached 37 C – please take excess.

  • Grandmas never run out of hugs or cookies.

    One of the most powerful handclasps is that of a new grandbaby around the finger of a grandfather. (Joy Hargrove)

    If you have great patience with children, you’re probably a grandparent.

  • Unknown said:
    I'll take the screws out tomorrow and check it out.

    Well done,remember if it wont lift,

    there is another hidden screw somewhere Doh!!.....why do they make it sooooo complicated     CHOL:):)

  • Good Luck to Annette, and good morning to everyone. Horrible here, very wet & dark again: will gladly take some of that heat from you, AQ!

    Sent for more presents online whilst I ate my breakfast - what a boon the internet has proved to be in these strange times. Had a phone call from some old friends last night, who had just received our card with a note in it. They are like us, just soldiering on and missing their extended family.

    Must stop wittering & go get washed & brushed so I can get in the supplies. Looking for local newspaper too, as I wrote a letter which might be in their 'letters' page about the local town plan & parking problems, etc.
  • Good morning!

    LINDA - best idea with the picture, ordering one which really hit you in the eye!

    ANNETTE - good luck with the screws. J seems a bit better - not sounding so lost inside himself - made myself unpopular this morning as I adamantly insited he should mend his own jumper which has a hole under the arm!

    AQ - sounds a successful but restful day - hope you let OH hang thewashing and fetch it in. I have no patience with children, and I am grandmother to four adults and great-grandmother to two little ones.

    Damp and dreary here - but I don't have to look at it while I type up mag contributions.
  • The sun has just come out, here -- even if a bit watery. Went outside to feed the birds, and an entire row of sparrows were waiting for me on the fence. Of course, they budged when I came too near - plenty of social distancing, LOL!!

    Glad that J is a little better, OG.

    Went around the town with my hand delivered cards: this also involved going to the part where we lived for many years before coming here. Time to examine the decorations put up, although some of them were not lit in daylight. Said to my OH that if I could have counted them, there would have been dozens of reindeer on people's front lawns! It seems to have been popular this year. Certainly many more houses with lights & decorations than there used to be. The most charming thing to note was how many houses had decorated, with baubles, a tree in their front garden.