Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 December 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Grab some joy where you can.

Stay strong, friends!

Cow moose grazing on willows
US National Park Service, NPS/Jim Peaco
Photo labeled Public Domain (copyright free)

  • Its been dark, cold and wet, but now its finally brightening up a little. My OH has hoovered and is now watching a Western on TV which he wanted to wallow in on his own, so I'm disturbing him very little.

    Written a long letter to some old friends, all comparing our experience of the virus - this gentleman has had it, quite early on in the outbreak - they live in Scotland. They had just moved house when he fell ill, not an easy time for them!

    Hope that everyone on here is OK and managing to keep warm, except of course, for Annette and AQ!
  • Yes, all OK here, LINDY, thank you!
    All this talk about open plan homes etc. I live in a closed plan house :-) Not my choice and I did make suggestions years ago about opening up the kitchen to the dining room on one side and the family room on the other by way of archway or simple open doorways. My ideas were met with horror and I didn't pursue the issue as OH was so unhappy with the thought of it ! 

  • Well, you did what you thought best at the time, Heather :-) A lot of things in life are compromise. Ours is definitely not open plan, it just has a more airy feel from my decision to not have a kitchen door! The archway is exactly the same size as a doorway, so if anyone ever wanted to hang one, they could fit one in easily. We have a small sitting room where we watch tv, and the dining room opens up into the conservatory but that has large doors which we shut when it's cold in the evenings at this time of year.

    Actually, I'm agonising over a compromise at the moment. Should I buy a rather nice print of colourful wildflowers as a large picture to make a statement? Or should I buy a rather glorious abstract ?? I feel that my OH would prefer the flowers as he's a traditional sort of guy. But I keep going back to the abstract..... it intrigues me and can be seen as different things on different days. He has offered to buy me either, as my Christmas present.

  • Lindybird: It's a present for you, so buy what you like.

    OG: No clue about the Rolls' owner, only that my appointment got pushed back two hours to take care of his/her car.

    Finally got package off to AZ yesterday. Then the new battery for my laptop arrived. I've been very careful about making sure I ordered the correct one and watched several YouTube videos about how to install it. My only apprehension is removing the back of the laptop without damaging the case so I stopped by Best Buy's Geek Squad to ask how much they'd charge to swap them out. Instead, got a long lecture on how I'd probably ordered the wrong one anyway (being an old lady I assume) but that yes, they could swap them out - if I paid for a one year-service contract for their "expertise." I said I didn't want a contract, I just wanted them to take the back off the computer, that I could swap it out myself. Got more 'expertise' sales talk before they quoted $165 if I signed up! I told them the 'how to' was all over YouTube and that $165 was almost as much as we just paid for a Chromebook for Ms. D on Cyber Monday. They weren't impressed and neither was I. Needless to say, computer still plugged in while I figure it out.
  • OG Not sure why OHs Dad turned it down. I think he is scared to go out for any reason and OH thinks he is scared of the vaccine. They will offer it again in January.

    Do hope the change of Js treatment helps.
  • Difficult choice LINDY. You could ask for both and alternate them according to your mood!!! OH is buying me a floor standing "serious light", which should make both reading and doing jigsaws easier. We aren't sure if it will arrive in time for Christmas. It is expensive but there is a free table lamp at the moment.
  • Unknown said:
    Needless to say, computer still plugged in while I figure it ou

    Can you google again asking for a you tube on     " how to remove the back cover on my ******************so I  can fit a replacement battery "

    Hope you can discover and it will assist

    Good luck, you can do it.

  • OG - yes it is Katie who will be here tomorrow with her Mum, they are my bubble family as you know.
    Good that J has been sorted out with regards to meds. Think I've said before that when the senior pharmacist started attending consultant ward rounds in my hospital , things got a lot better !