Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 December 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Grab some joy where you can.

Stay strong, friends!

Cow moose grazing on willows
US National Park Service, NPS/Jim Peaco
Photo labeled Public Domain (copyright free)

  • PS in case anyone thinks I'm quite bonkers, half of the devices etc here were my OH's which I've just carried on using! The iPhone is my eldest daughter's old one. Actually I've only ever purchased one mobile phone in all the years! I'm always grateful for cast offs....
  • HEATHER - sorry , I totally missed your earlier post about the queueing! I thought ours was a small kitchen, but apparently our new one is "large" - and therefore qualifies for some extra discounts! J got up for dinner but is now back in bed - he seemed to enjoy the cottage pie - ate his whole meal and finished almost same time as me, which is not usually the case. All mince pies made it to a box for the freezer!
  • PS HEATHER - just saw your PS. Meant to say before, I was pleased your Kindles can still work for books, as I think that was what you originally got them for!  BTW, we don't eat breakfast at the breakfast bar, it is used for baking and for serving up at dinner etc.

  • Hi everyone.   Thank you to Diane for starting us off.   Stay well and safe , Diane.

    Just read quickly through all your news.   Lindy - love the pics of your grandchildren.  Annette - see then you are in a lockdown just like we have been although the powers that be say we are now in  tiers..   OG - see things are going OK for you and hope J recovers from his 'turn' , pleased to see that the tests are ok.

    Went to church yesterday and it was lovely to meet as a Fellowship again with Communion.   Not going to carol services as you're not allowed to sing but will go with dau on CD to her church.

    Been 2 cold and frosty days with lingering fog - not clearing till the afternoon.. Had our gardner round today to trim a tree at the front and do the hedges and a bush at the back - certainly looks tidier..  Going to try our library tomorrow as we finished the books ages ago.. Almost all christmas presents have arrived so now have the task of wrapping them and writing cards .  Also got to marzipan c.cakes this week and make some mince pies next week.  

    Keep well and safe all.

  • Evening all:  Went off to Tai Chi this morning happy that the Y is still holding outside classes and allowing folks to use the equipment that's been moved onto the patios. Only change is that we have to wear masks, even outside, which many people were doing anyway.  One of the women at Tai Chi complained to me that the science 'just isn't there regarding masks' (I told her I'd have to disagree on that one) and that the requirement to wear them was 'an overreach with regard to our constitutional rights.'  Another lady, a retired nurse who's married to a doctor, nearly went cross-eyed with frustration.  Some people don't seem to realize that rights come with responsibilities. 

    Lindybird:  Oh my, if you'd just been a minute earlier!  But then you'd be fretting that you hadn't bought more.

    OG: Blind-baked pie crust sounds like something I'd inadvertently come up with.  Hope the latest batch of mince pies made it into the freezer (oh I see they did).  Can you work at the breakfast bar?  (oh now I see you do baking there - I really should read all the posts before I ask questions!).  Wonder what happened with J, but good it didn't affect his appetite.   I heard on this evening's news that the Central Coast counties are going to petition Governor Newsom to not lump us in with Los Angeles County, where things are much worse..  We're okay, ,but once again it's restaurants and small businesses, etc that will suffer through what should be their busiest time.  Just awful.

    Heather:  Haha. Sure, I'll be right there with my rake.  This morning I moved OH's car into the driveway very early to allow the street sweeping truck a clear shot at the gutters, only to have a workman pull up and head to the house across the road. I chased after him and asked him to park somewhere else for the morning, which he did.  Came home to lovely clean street (oh the excitement!)  :-)   We're still waiting for the much ballyhooed 'wind event' to arrive, but it's late. and the online hourly forecast doesn't mention it at all.   I assumed your techy bits and pieces were your OH's and/or cast offs.  Maybe it's time for your daughter to upgrade?  :-)

    Did manage to buy Christmas cards today (hurray the bookstore is still letting us in, albeit in reduced numbers).  Must now get busy and get them in the mail pronto.

    Take care everyone.

  • Dear Santa, This year I’m asking for a BIG bank account and a SMALL body.
    PS. Please don’t mix these up like you did last year.

    Dear Santa: I’ve been good all year. OK, maybe most of the time. . .
    Well, perhaps once in awhile. . .
    Oh, never mind, I’ll buy my own presents this year.

  • Lindy: I enjoyed all of the photos of your grandchildren. They are beautiful. Tomasz has grown so fast! I'm sorry you had to cancel your other plans. Next year will be better. 

  • A dull day here in terms of weather and everything else as well! Have done some washing and drying but not a lot else.