Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 November 2020

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  • He was a lovely old gent, Heather. He missed his wife terribly as he lost her about ten years ago, but he had actually been sharing his house for the last few years with a lady of his own age, who was also lonely, which sounded like a good idea, to me!!

    Very cold here in the night but not too bad now, Heather. My OH has indeed gone off, having had a piece of toast to warm himself and packed a cheese sandwich to eat whilst halfway round. Bet there's a couple of chocolate biscuits missing from the jar, too! I'm doing all those little jobs which you think you will "Get around to..."
  • AQ Spoil yourself and let others do the same.
  • Morning all:  

    AQ:  So great to see you back.  :-))   Like the de Generes quote.  Your extended recovery sounds like a smart idea, but can you get something delivered that's ready made and yummy so you don't have to subsist on soup?  Did you like the new car?  What kind is it?

    Lindybird:  Glad your OH got out.  Weather looks nasty there for the next few days with snow in some areas.

    Diane: Looks like you guys are in for a downturn in temps next week.  Did you get hit by last week's storm?

    Have dentist appt this morning.  Oh joy. I see needles in my future....  :-(

    Take care all.

  • See whether I can do any better today!

    LINDA – so pleased you agreed about the blue LED lights – I nearly removed my remark in case I offended you, as I know you decorate in style, and I really don’t do much, and nothing outside. Sorry you had one set refusing to work – I hope your new ones will arrive soon – or at least before Christmas! Seems like posh mansion decorated early – maybe to get it done before actually going away for the season, I know that is what some do! I did think of your Tomasz on the first – thought he must be ten as our Gavin was 31 the same day and I remember him being born on Gav’s birthday! Love the orange and pink skies – although I mostly see them in photos as I have been getting up so late recently - wasn’t dressed before J left for work today! Sounds as if you are being inundated by sales offers and advertising, just like me; I am moving about 80% straight into “trash”! Your OH seems to have had a whole batch of funerals to “attend” this year; he will miss his allotment friend. Had been wet during last night, but not a bad day here – just sooo cold!

    HEATHER – I hope mobile hairdresser does well – I find it’s good to have Nicole here at home – we can talk more openly than when she was in the salon. No frost here early this morning – too wet – but the cars were covered white on Wednesday, and it looks as if they will be again tomorrow – already down to one degree on the weather station.

    AQ – promising that you have been tying up Tomatoes – hope the fruits don’t get scorched in the sun this year! Bonus potatoes from last years peelings sound good, it happens here too as we compost our veg waste. Pleased all went well on Thursday, and quickly home too. Enjoy the pampering while you can – does his repertoire extend beyond soup? But I guess you have a freezer full of baked goodies prepared!

    ANNETTE – pleased you could have an outside yoga lesson. The legs will soon get accustomed to it again. Hope dentist didn’t find any holes lurking! OH has just received a costed treatment plan for several jobs to be done – five visits in all, I think. Started with one problem, got worse when they stopped working during and after lockdown, and one thing led to another, with teeth and denture.

    DIBNLIB – good advice for AQ!

    ANYONE I MISSED OUT – sorry.

    I finished the Christmas cards today, mostly while OH cleaned the study. Next thing will be wrapping toys for the two GGchildren asap. NHS podiatrist phoned today, but offered nothing more than our private one, doesn’t want to see me and I shall probably just stick with what I am doing. Louise is due for our usual visit next week, and if she offers to tape my foot again, I shall accept, but I think it is doing well – can get more exercise now other pains are reduced.
  • DIBNLIB – Spoil myself? You have to laugh – last night’s tea was tomato soup. It was not the best choice for a hot day, but easy. OH insisted on using bare hands to open the ring-pull can and not my geriatric gadget. Ha, it was a difficult one. I kept my smile to myself. Of course, I mixed the brew & stirred, he served his before hot, leaving me to manage my own with a less weighty saucepan, when fully heated. He wandered in during evening, between his snoozes and my snoozes, “did I need anything?” I set him a few tasks, check door locks, fetch this or that.

    ANNETTE – I prefer my own yummy cooking to anything delivered. And I would think twice & thrice after recent quarantines were enlarged by a covid kitchen hand in pizza delivery shop. Today’s menu is from freezer; homemade sausage rolls for lunch, packet fish & potato gems with lazy salad (tomato, cucumber, beetroot). Darn, I forget to buy a lettuce, we’ll survive

    OG – It will be 33 C today. I shall ask OH to assist (muddle) with me to toss old sheets over tomatoes. I don’t want precious shoots to burn off. I think I can manage to peg a few edges to stakes in case of wind. See my reply to Dibnlib for OH’s prowess with soup!!! Good news that your pains are reduced and you can exercise more, onward & upward.

    Thanks to ALL OTHERS who have commented. I appreciate your support.

    Dau’s new car is a white hatchback Hyundai. It is much smaller than their previous “tank”. Sabine is now tall enough not to need a child seat, and twins are growing fast. It was nice to ride in, well, the mere 10 mins it took to come home. My only complaint is that it’s rather high to step into, but not as high as Chauffeur Friend’s car.

    I had my usual restless night sleeping in 2-3 hour chunks. Woke early, before 6, to hear rubbish bin truck passing. They normally collect mid-pm and we & many others do not put bins out night before because of vandals. No matter, we only had 2 small packages of general rubbish. I am a bit sore this morn when I think about it. The worst experience yesterday was having to wear a mask in hospital. I was gasping for air, my lungs working overtime esp when lying down. Two days ago a rule that masks to be worn in all healthcare facilities. At first they said masks had to be disposable. When pharmacies complained they had to hand out so many free masks to customers, a correction, washable masks OK. Dau has not been able to buy any, more panic buying? I have 2 good ones made by a dress shop diversifying, but I can’t get to city for more. Nearly 8 am, time for a rest, I may even got dressed.

  • Just a thought

    Listen to reason - reason is so sweet, so good to listen to and oh! So clear.
    A voice of melody within a world of discord, a soft refrain upon a jaundiced ear.
    Listen within your heart and you will hear. (Karen Rene)

  • Annette: Yup. I had 2 inches of snow and high winds from the storm. It melted today.

    I've lost 30 pounds since the pandemic began. I needed to lose the weight, so it's a positive development. However, I'm finding that I can't stand the cold like I once could. I don't know whether it's the weight loss or simply aging. So far, our winter has been mild (as opposed to those polar vortex winters), but I really dread January and February!

    I hope you're safe tonight. I heard about the winds and the out-of-control fires in Southern California. Pack a go-bag, my friend! 

    Heather: I'm really sorry that the case is not over as you thought it was.

  • AQ: Our posts crossed. Sorry you're a little sore. Hope the pain eases. Rest and recover!

    I can't put bins out the night before, because the raccoons will figure out a way to open them and create a mess. They are the Einsteins of wildlife. LOL
  • We are OK although I have been suffering from an attack of paroxysmal vertigo and OH's back has been playing up .
    Nevertheless we will come through it and already feeling much better.

    Been trying to sort out delivery of CP's to relatives in Nottingham - sorted out a date to meet at a motorway services area within Nottingham so my sil doesn't have to travel too far. Of course we will social distance when we meet. Also wanting to get presents to my son and his wife but they have decided to self isolate for 14 days before travelling to her dau's for Christmas but it is impossible as we are still waiting for gifts to arrive. Will have to drop them off at doorstep and let them pick them up - of course standing back whilst they do. This Covid buisnness gets you down sometimes but hey ho I'm sure it will all work out.

    Now got to marzipan C.cakes once marzipan arrives tomorrow. Other half asked if I was making mince pies this year and I replied, no. Not very happy so have sucummed and will get the pastry and mincemeat on next weeks grocery list. What we do for our men!!

    Glad you had a great family get-together, Annette, even if somewhat frantic at times.
  • Strange outcome, AQ. At least she was able to speak to her parents. Hope she is OK and she hasn't caught anything.

    Thanks for all your news, just skimming through it.
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