Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 November 2020


I hope everyone has a safe, healthy, and joyful week! Peace and comfort to all who are facing adversity. 

Be sure to check back to last week's thread to read Lindy's wonderful poem and other posts!

Stay strong, friends!

Florida Sunrise 
Photo labeled "public domain" (copyright free)

  • I wasn't "over it" (whatever It was) when I thought I was - quite bad during the weekend. Improved today so hoping.
  • OG – I hope you can get a good night’s sleep and recover. Missed you. {{{HUGS}}}

    OH has been blithering about going out to lunch – on the nastiest day since last summer. I think he has decided to stay home. I found some wintry clothes to wash and put away; probably were dry before I closed the back door! 32 C before 9 am, grumble, grumble. On a happier note – Victoria has had the 11th straight “double donut” day, zero new virus, zero deaths. Almost all cases across Aussieland are repatriated Aussies serving their 14-day hotel quarantine.

  • Just a thought

    Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you. (Walt Whitman)

  • Oh, dear, OG. Hope you soon feel lots better.

    AQ - Great news from your part of the world :-)
  • OG: Take care! Hope things have settled down at home for you guys.

    Hi to everyone else; busy today but still not as organized as I need to be...
  • Good Morning. Misty again but quite mild temps here.

    Much excitement about the success of the new vaccine, with others waiting in the wings. A light at the end of a dark tunnel, perhaps.

    We have a Man coming today to fix a new rubber seal on the w. machine door - such excitement!!

    Hope OG is feeling more "the thing" today.
  • Good start to Tuesday - woke up properly this morning without having to be talked out of sleep - and I had slept properly through the night. Feeling hopeful.

    OH had made me an appointment with Boots Audiology when he went - has to be a special because I can't get down to the quiet basement room, but audiologist can arrange to use optician department on the ground floor at lunchtime. On Saturday, J got an appt letter from endocrinology in Edinburgh. Same date! This is half the usual endocrine and oncology which he would have had at The Christie if Scotland had not decided to pull the plug on funding treatment for him over the Border, so he will have to enquire about oncology! The appt is not in Edinburgh City, but out the other side - up to two changes on the railway, so OH will drive him to get there and back (J is unfamiliar with the Lothians - but OH has picked out a route which we have used in that direction before). So my audiology is put off for an extra week - hope we don't get changed to a higher Covid restriction tier!

    Been thinking through Christmas menu plans - I think I have all the shopping lists organised. Really will have to sort cards soon and hope all family and friends are surviving. Will need to send to some church people this year as it doesn't look like we shall meet up - I usually don't send cards to people I see.

    I am not attempting replies to your recent posts as they have gone in one ear/eye and out the other! However, I think I remember that AQ will be in hospital next week - so prayers and good wishes for that - and I hope they have good air-conditioning!

    Now must email youngest granddaughter - she sent me a new address for this term, but I've got a feeling she may have gone home for online theory classes after completing a few weeks in the labour ward, so email will be safer to find her.

  • Day continues well. Except for weather - morning sunshine gave way to afternoon darkness!

    OH has been doing practical stuff - first a bit of electrics and then rehanging doors on laundry cupboard - which came off for access for new boiler. What have I done? Not a lot! Just pootling with computer and paperwork.
  • Good that you're recovering, OG. You must be kind to yourself now, and not do too much.

    Its been quiet on here: I've been absent as I had a very busy morning - w. machine Man came and sorted things out, and then I went into town for prescriptions and shopping. After a good lunch which included a muffin enclosing some gooey Lemon Curd in the middle, I sat on the sofa and went to sleep!

    Trying work my way through the To Do List which has been sadly neglected lately in favour of ordinary chores.

    (W. machine Man said "its going well for its age" as he had sold it to us. I still think of it as The New Machine, but he and my OH were discussing it being nearer to nine years old!! - how time flies!)

  • ps Hope that J's appointment in Edinburgh goes well.