Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 October 2020


I hope everyone has a good week. Take joy and peace where you can find it. 

Stay strong, friends!

  • Sorry to hear about the rats, Annette - we know that we have some here, as neighbours in a nearby road reported seeing some, and my OH saw 2 in our garden recently, too. He has laid a trap with poison in it. I think that its made worse by people feeding the birds by throwing stuff on the ground. Also, a lot of sheds here are built with a space beneath and I don't think folks realise that rats can breed beneath them.

    Hope I've made some smiles with my suggestions for world change. You should see my OHs face when I shout every night at the TV!!

  • We had rats in our back garden a couple of times over more than 3 decades.  Warning:  grim details coming up--stop reading if you are a delicate soul!  We removed all of our bird feeders for 3 weeks and the rats dispersed.  I was astounded to see one climbing up one of our feeder poles hand over hand, so to speak, the first time we noticed them.  The second time I saw a rat climbing our cherry tree, walking out onto a branch and going head first down the long hook which held a sunflower heart feeder.  As soon as I opened the kitchen door it dropped from its perch on the feeder to the ground and scampered off.  The first time we had also used a bit of poison but by the second time we had heard that some rats can survive long enough to leave the poison box and then they can poison any bird of prey which grabs them, especially Kestrels.  Hence, the second time we acquired a device which drops a blade on them and kills them.  But we quickly learned that we had to check the box every day because we found one rat which had become dinner for its relatives--not a pretty sight.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Lindybird said:
    Those who are found guilty of mistreatment of animals should be made to clean out the Zoo enclosures for 6 months - with a very small shovel and a tiny bucket.

    With a toothpick and an egg cup.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thank you DIANE for the kingbird “chaperone”. Thank you CLARE, HEATHER, ANN for your good wishes.

    Things are moving fast. I saw GP late pm (< 2 hours ago), referred immediately upstairs to clinic. Appt to see same Doc I saw on Friday. She has an impressive list of achievements and easy to talk to.

    ANNETTE - I decided after last year’s Halloween not to hand out sweets any more. Kids have become “snatch & grab” and don’t bother with any thanks. Worse, they now travel in large packs accompanied by adults, true, but the adults are standing by the kerb chatting to each other or on their mobiles, oblivious to their kids running back & forth across the street. Dangerous on our long straight road.

  • The biggest difference between men and boys is the cost of their toys.

    The best computer is a man, and it’s the only one that can be mass-produced by unskilled labor. (Wernher von Braun)

    I changed all my passwords to “incorrect”, so whenever I forget it will tell me “Your password is incorrect”.

  • Bless you AQ

    A quick response is always helpful, at these worrying times,Pleased that you feel a little reassured,with seeing same Doc,on Friday. Love,Hugs and Prayers still winging their way to you.

    Your thoughts for the day,always bring smiles Thankyou.

  • aquilareen said:
    I decided after last year’s Halloween not to hand out sweets any more. Kids have become “snatch & grab” and don’t bother with any thanks. Worse, they now travel in large packs accompanied by adults, true, but the adults are standing by the kerb chatting to each other or on their mobiles, oblivious to their kids running back & forth across the street. Dangerous on our long straight road.

    We don't do Halloween at all.  Many years ago my mother would buy sweets for any kids who were trick or treating but as years went by she found that she was getting more and more older kids, unaccompanied, trying to demand money.  She wasn't having any of that.

    I'll confess I'm at a loss as to why so many sweets and things, clearly aimed at Halloween, are on sale.  Surely people aren't going to be silly enough to take their kids out on Saturday night?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • AQ - Glad you've had reassuring progress already. It helps enormously when you have someone who you feel you can talk to and trust. I hope things go on at this rate and you can soon put it all behind you.

    Good Morning, Everyone.  Dull and grey here, and a rather wet week forecast. But not too cold, thank goodness (I have always hated the cold, & now I find I get aching joints too). So we should save on the heating bill, or at the very least I shan't feel too guilty when I put the heating on in a very cold snap, later on in the winter. Going to do h.work today, plus we have to take our little car Ruby for her M.O.T. test.

  • Clare - It's not only sweets that seem to have been 'Halloween-ised'! I saw some persimmons in Aldi the other day. Haven't seen them in ages, and seized them gleefully. When I got them home the packaging announced 'Halloween Aaaaaaamazing - Petrifying Persimmons'. Now I don't find them at all petrifying - in fact I find them completely delicious. And having not seen them in the shops for ages I was very happy to find them. But the packaging message leaves me cold. WHY?????? (There were also lots of enormous and expensive pumpkins. I wonder how many people actually use the flesh? My bet is hardly any ...)

    Guess what - I don't approve of Halloween!

    Beautiful morning here, after a weekend of pretty solid rain. Wonder if it will last? Keep safe, everyone, and enjoy the beautiful autumn colours.