Weekly Chat, Sunday September 19,2010

Hi all. Off to read last few posts of previous week.

  • margobird said:

    Good morning ALICAT hope you managed to keep your electric.  We had a power cut a few weeks ago whch is most unusual here and it makes you realise how much we take it for granted.  Fortunately it was only off for about an hour.

    Hi Margobird, yes i managed to keep my electric last night it went off last week as well during the day that time, it stayed off for about two hours don't know what there doing to it to make it keep going off thats two weeks in running now that it keeps going off

  • Good aftenoon Heather B  and your home made soup sounds good.  Nothing like it when it is cold, I often have soup at lunchtimes when the cold weather sets in but unlike yours it is not home made.


    Was pleased to hear that your SiL is nearing the end of his deployment and will be returning soon,  What a relief it will be for all of you. 


    Laughed at your comments about your OH but I am glad he takes in good part.  I realise how lucky I am believe you me.  He is a giant of man in all ways.  Over six foot tall but such a gentle and caring person.  The first time I spoke to his Mum she told me what a lovely person he was and she was right, he is certainly one of the best.  Don't know what I would do without him.


    You seemed to have had some terribly wet weather.  I look at the forecast most days and it seems as though it has not stopped raining on you for quite a while.


  • Afternoon everyone.  Thanks for updates pics and links.


    Firstly some good news – Steed passed his HGV driving test today so he can drive big lorries but not articulated ones yet.  That should help bring in some pennies while he looks for ‘better paid’ work.  Who knows what it will lead to but it will get him out and about.  Consequently we are bringing forward our Friday night visit to local pub and going tonight instead by way of modest celebration.  Thank you Heather B and others who continue to offer good wishes.  It is very much appreciated.


    OG – how kind of you to ask re daughter.  She is doing well now having recovered fully from bout of gastroenteritis and although has spells of loneliness she is coping better.  We had quite a few panicky early morning phone calls during the first couple of weeks but not had any since 14th September so she seems to be settling down.  Golden Wedding – yes it’s a pity she will miss it but she and I have agreed that she will phone her grandparents on the day to wish them happy anniversary.  That will be a nice surprise for them.  They live very near to me - about 400 yards away on a side-street which runs off the road I live on.  In fact my father popped in just as I arrived home for work to ask for a few of the apples from my tree.  There will be a small party of 14 people for dinner at a nearby nice but not toooo posh hotel (hopefully serving more than two little roasties per portion Lindybird) and then we are all invited back to their house for tea/coffee and drinks. All within walking distance.  I have ordered a cake from local bakery which I hope will be lovely for them.


    Annette – loved your story about computer problem.  You describe it in a very light-hearted manner but the price is pretty serious.  Like you, I would look for a cheaper quote.


    Heather B– I am keeping my fingers tightly crossed for your SIL.  


    Hope the sun is shining on everyone's Thursday.

  • Good afternoon Emma Peel so pleased to read that Steed passed his HGV test and you deserve a celebration even if modest.  Hopefully this will lead to better things.


    Glad to read your daughter is recovering and is coping better with the loneliness.  Pity she will miss the Golden Wedding celebrations but I am sure she will be there in spirit and at keast she can phone to offer her best wishes.  Hope the dinner goes well and cake is nice.  Good to have a celebration withing walking distance of home I always think.


  • Ooh – I see a yellow orb floating in blue sky – it isn’t alone, but the few clouds are fluffy wee things!  OH is off down to the print room (takes 5 or 6 afternoon sessions to do the Mag).  Cleaner will be here, so I get to spend the afternoon at my desk (we don’t let her loose in the study – too many cables and things).


    Margo – glad you have caught up to date with reading posts!  Sorry you can’t hang out the remaining washing, but as you say you have had four lucky days.  How is the ironing coming along?

    Diane – when you offered me warmer weather, I meant to say my degrees are centigrade, so plenty for this time of year, so it’s “thanks but no thanks!”  I don’t like really hot weather.

    Tiger – enjoyed the Cat & Dog video, especially when she stopped licking his ear and he asked for more!

    Heather – hello!  I hope you weather is improving too.  Son (Grantown) mentioned fog last Sunday – maybe he meant mountain mist, he had been driving into Aviemore.  We had Celery & Cashew soup yesterday, and I now have a meal of that in the freezer, plus one each of Parsnip & Apple and Butternut Squash & Red Pepper – those are probably our three favourite soups.  How wonderful that your SiL will soon be home – it doesn’t seem long ago that he went, but to your daughter and the children it must seem such a long time – and he will have missed important things happening at home too.

    Alicat – maybe electric distribution system in you area is being upgraded and that is why it goes off, although for scheduled outages they are supposed to give notice.  More likely it is a different utility or a constructor cutting cables – how they survive those incidents, I do not know!

    Emma – so pleased about the HGV test – well done your OH!  I hope he gets driving jobs which don’t take him too far from home.  Enjoy the celebration.  Pleased your Daughter is well; I think loneliness when abroad is always an issue – the mother of a missionary friend who has been away about eight years says she and her husband and children still feel very isolated at times.  Golden Wedding celebration sounds lovely – very pleasant but not over the top – just what I would like when the time comes if we reach 50 years!


    After spending ½ hour chatting with cleaner during this, it’s nearly time to make coffee – she and I always talk more when OH is out!  But she’s very good, always does her full two hours, and appreciates me treating her as a friend.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all:

    AQ: Just checking out your OZ/US dictionary.  I'd forgotten about foolscap.  Differences between various US regions nothwithstanding, shallots here aren't green onions or scallions; they''re like garlic bulbs but brown.  Our tomato-based clam chowder is called Manhattan clam chowder.  Dutch treat in the U.S. is sharing the cost of a meal.  Re vegemite, we can get Marmite her; wonder if that's the same thing.  Verge here is parkway.  Clothes horse here is more someone who doesn't just buy a lot of clothes, but buys very fashionable clothes and looks good in them!  Did I miss that bride and groom lost their luggage?

    I'm fascinated by who wrote this - she refers to Goleta, California, which is our neighborhood.  If a student, she was possibly attending Univ. of Calif. Santa Barbara.

    Diane: The TV hookup is good but I think I'd prefer to have both at the same time.

    Lindybird: Hat museum sounds like a lot of fun. You're off to the Canaries, was it?

    OG: Love Fatty.  :-)  Great pix.  But didn't know that about WWII-era sparrows. :-(  Good news about that migrating osprey.  Must check out which part of California Ross's Goose visits.   All those goodies in the freezer - I've decided I need to stay wtih you next time I'm in the UK. :-)

    Tiger: I remember, when very young, being one of the people left behind when my half-sister emigrated to Australia and my playmate's family went to Hobart, Tasmania.  Then it was me who left and came to the States.  On visits home, I've seen the neighborhood where I grew up go from post-war rundown but "decent" to downmarket and most recently upmarket with hanging flower baskets. etc.  I do the same thing (open the thread in two windows) - it works better than scribbling illegible notes to myself and/or forgettng who said what.  Cute video - was the puppy looking for a Mom I wonder?

    Heather: Oh is that how it works (with families?)  Sometimes I think my offspring have cornered the market on crises!    Was watching an Inspector Lewis segment recently where his sidekick referred to a family as "dysfunction junction."   :-))   Fingers and toes crossed for your s-in-l and all the young men and women who serve with him.

    Margobird:  A 6' tall OH, eh? Sounds better all the time.  :-) 

    Emma: What do you buy a truck driver to celebrate? Beer? Champagne??  Good for him!  What an enterprising OH.  50th anniversary celebration sounds perfect - and no driving. Hurray! 

    Hi to everyone else - have a good day and take care.  I'm off for early morning walk - did a bit of "compensatory" eating over the last month and now time to take my extra pounds in hand, so to speak.

  • Hi all, looking  in for the first time today.

    Thanks to you all for all the news etc - too many of you to try and remember who wrote what but mention one or two.

    Lindybird, love the poem "The Moneytree"

    OG - I know what you mean re changing over after a time of doing such jobs.  My OH and I were also engaged in Youth Work etc many moons ago.

    Love the pics of the chaffinch.   And have we a new species I wonder at LOTL!!!!!!!!!!Son's 40th today and got him and his wife theatre vouchers for a trip to London when its convenient for them.  His wife is taking him away for a few days next Monday and we have his party on Sat - which means quite a bit of booze and lots of food. We are off on holiday the next day so must remember not to get too high!!

    Went to choir practise last night.  Talkng to our choir master at the pub afterwards (a few of us go for a drink afterwards) and he said he had a sparrowhawk in his garden the other day and managed to take a photo of it.  Apparently it must have been chasing after a meal and thumped into their pation doors, got quite a headache, but was soon recovered and flew off again.

    Just had a look at the LOTL blog and picked up the pics on the pine marten. He seems to have taken to the new feeding station and can understand it that they want to give the tree a bit of a break with all the traffic round it.

  • Do not seem to have time to breatheat the mo, but hopefully wil have time to catch up with all your news tomorrow. In the meantime, thanks to AQ for the lovely wedding pics and good wishes for ANNETTE and family with regards to GDs problems. Thinking of you.

  • Been chasing various loose ends such as correspondence etc.  Artist came by this afternoon with my batik piece which we saw her doing at the weekend – very pleased with it.


    Annette – you’d be very welcome to share soup with us – and whatever else we have.  Hope today’s walk was a pleasant one again.  My weight is currently falling having had the steroid injection – everyone says there can’t be a connection, but it happens every time!

    Lynette – is that a new species or is it Santa checking out the Deer??  I hope you all enjoy the family celebration for Son’s 40th – and then your holiday too, I know you have been looking forward to it.  Very committed of you to go to Choir practice when you won’t be there for Sunday service – or are you practicing something special?

    Dibnlib – sorry you are so busy – how is the arm?  Still progressing, I hope.


    Need to get away from screen for a while – may make a birthday card for OH’s Aunt.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello everyone:)

    really sorry, I haven't posted for a day or so as been busy with my mum. Also we are going away to Vermont for a few days tomorrow so won't be back until next week. So, I'll be AWOL but will return! (I can hear plenty of groans...) 

    Hope everyone's Ok and catch up later