Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 September 2020


The moon turns full on Thursday, 1 October.

I hope everyone has a joyful, safe, healthy week! 

Check back to last week's thread for Lindy's photos and other posts. 

  • I'm trying to feel sorry for Mr and Mrs Trump - but as he has been referring to Covid-19 as a hoax for the past several months ... well, I may save my emotions for something else.
  • Did he try to tell the tester it was fake n....?
  • I think he thought he was invincible..

    I hope that J will feel the benefit of the meds, OG and perhaps not have to take it long term. Given his previous medical history and history of anxiety, it is perhaps unsurprising that he has become more unwell, so many more triggers around at the moment for him in this awful year.

    LINDY - I have begun to notice more names that are familiar to me in what my OH called the Hatched, Matched and Dispatched column of our local newspaper :-(

  • Heather, we always turn to that page in the local newspaper first, and then joke that we're checking we are not on the list!

    Went to stand by the side of the road as the funeral went past on the way to the village church. Think my OH was somewhat sobered as he was the same age. Called on Sue, who lives nearby, and took her some shoes (!!) which I find uncomfortable for some unknown reason, but which were as good as new as hardly worn. Luckily she is a similar size to me, and can often get into my shoes. She is going to give them a try. She is having an ongoing argument with a neighbour about an overlarge tree hanging over her rear fence, blocking out the light. I do hope it doesn't become too heated, as these things can lead to solicitors being involved.....
  • Morning all:  Oh my.  What can I say?  I won't say anything.

    OG: Glad the dryer can be fixed. Hope you get the all clear from then nurse.

    Lindybird:  That's a shame about your OH's friend - off on a trip too when he should have been enjoying himself.  What!?  Did I read that you got rid of some shoes?  

    AQ: I love the Cinderella-themed post.  :-))

    A few days of low 90's here with smoke from up north again adding a golden light to rising/setting sun.

    I'm off to check on the headlines....

  • Annette - The media are agog on this side of the pond, so must be frantic, there.

    They were comfy Skechers shoes, but I regretted buying them when they seemed to be too firm under my instep. They were supposed to be like the famous mattresses, with memory foam, but were strange on my feet. As I have, ahem, several other pairs, they won't be missed.

    Dry enough here to put out more laundry, but just had to rescue some half dried towels from a little precipitation.
  • Lindybird A little precipitation? You mean a light shower? :-)) Yes, media full of the news here and what it means for the election campaign if he's isolated for the next week or so.  Now would be a good time for Twitter to close his account.. I think previous comments about locking him up and throwing away the key are even more appealing.... Wow - a relief to know you still have some comfy shoes. :-)

  • Thanks for all the posts. Short of time this evening as J wants us to play Trivial Pursuit. Hope to try a bit of a catch-up tomorrow.

    Nurse was pleased with leg - just a very tiny hole now, only slowly leaking. Was able to put a smaller dressing on.

    See you tomorrow.
  • Glad the leg is improving OG.

    There has been a lot of precipitation here Lindy. It is a good word.
    We watched the full moon rising last night over a small hill we can see from the window. It looked huge and quite spectacular, with small clouds passing over. No chance tonight what with the precipitation!
  • I noticed that the weather persons were beginning to use that word more often, rather than just referring to showers, rain, or "the wet stuff"

    I've been watching the moon for some days - it was at its most spectacular when we were in Wales, and it was about 7 eighths in size. It was becoming very orange and glowing more than usual.

    Don't think I can see it tonight, either, Rosy!