Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 September 2020


The equinox is Tuesday in the UK, US, and Australia!

Everyone have a safe, healthy, joyful week!!!

  • Lovely photos, Lindy, especially the ones of the sun over the coast.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • CLARE Armhole.... I love it.
  • HEATHER physio reckons I have peroneal tendonitis so I have exercises to do.
  • I hope that the exercises will fix it for you, DIBNLIB -
    Sorry for lack of news, but thanks to everyone for pics and posts etc.
    My brother is grumpy and frustrated, wants to run before he can walk ( literally!)
    Well I know now after the Covid briefing this afternoon, that my son will not be able to make his planned visit in two weeks time :-( We haven't seen each other since New Year. No family visits either but it is for the greater good of all. ( Who decided that my youngest family would be my extended family?!! SiL is offshore for three weeks, somewhere off the West coast of Ireland). Daughter doesn't drive, nor do I..... 

  • dibnlib said:
    CLARE Armhole.... I love it.

    I suspect I wouldn't get away with the alternative ....... though I suppose I could use 'complete knob'.

    You all have my sympathy north of the border, with the impending ban on household visits.  It seems that for us coming home from the pub an hour earlier will deliver the required result.


    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • HEATHER Sorry your family news is not good. Everything at the moment is very hit and miss. My cousin has lived in France for over 40 years. My Uncle died last October and she returned to France with her daughters after sorting out as much as she could after her Dads death. Her sister died in 2018 (she was 56 and had a rare illness) so it is up to Andrea to finalise everything including a house to sell. She doesn't keep well herself and so has been unable to return to Scotland so everything is still on hold and it looks like it will be for a good while yet. I feel so sad for her.
  • dibnlib said:
    My cousin has lived in France for over 40 years. My Uncle died last October and she returned to France with her daughters after sorting out as much as she could after her Dads death. Her sister died in 2018 (she was 56 and had a rare illness) so it is up to Andrea to finalise everything including a house to sell. She doesn't keep well herself and so has been unable to return to Scotland so everything is still on hold and it looks like it will be for a good while yet. I feel so sad for her.

    The poor woman.  I hope everything works out for her.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • That's awful, DIBNLIB. The travel restrictions plus scarcity of ferries from some areas is making things so difficult. And that's without taking her health into account.
    My son has comes up with the idea of staying in a hotel here and meeting selected family members (!) for meals and shopping. I haven't had a meal in a restaurant since early March, haven't felt like doing so. We'll see.
  • CLARE – in answer to your question – I think Nicola Sturgeon is an excellent leader for the Scottish people right now. She has a lot of common sense and a good breadth of understanding together with her respect for her professional advisors and a willingness to listen. I fear Boris’s measures today are too little too late – horses and stable doors come to mind! Armhole is a great expression, and so polite compared with the original!

    AQ – pleased you got some rain, if only a wee drop. Thanks for quotes as usual – my collection from you certainly helped with the magazine again – great for page fillers!

    LINDA – more good pictures, especially the evening ones!

    DIBNLIB – so many exercises we all have to do – and it doesn’t seem fair for you as you are so active - do you think you are missing the effect of your swimming? Sorry for your Cousin and her troubles – when we try to hit the transgressors everyone else suffers.

    HEATHER – sorry Brother is so grumpy – but I can understand it. Also sorry that latest restrictions will affect your contact with family even more. Half of me hopes your Son will put his plan into action, but the other half tells me nobody should be travelling!

    Been a dreary and damp day here – but that meant a good day for the church magazine which is ready for proof-reading. New rules don’t seem to affect churches, so I was able to include the plan for a service – “subject to …”. Going to watch Boris and Nicola’s respective addresses to the UK soon – will probably come away more confused!
  • Unknown said:
    I fear Boris’s measures today are too little too late – horses and stable doors come to mind! Armhole is a great expression, and so polite compared with the original!

    I just don't have words.  We've had some great PMs in history ...... and some real characters.  However did we end up with this?  Who thought he'd make a good ....... anything at all?  Seriously, though - you come across some hopeless people in life but you'd think there would be systems in place to prevent any of them reaching a position where they can have a colossal effect on countless people's lives.

    Unknown said:
    Going to watch Boris and Nicola’s respective addresses to the UK soon – will probably come away more confused!

    I'd just watch Nicola's if I were you.  It'll make more sense.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.