Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 September 2020

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  • So much for the weather forecast – not a drop of rain but a pleasant 25 C day. I was obliged to visit the back garden & the weeds. Surely I had found them all by now. <sigh>
  • Just a thought

    You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need. (Vernon Howard)

  • Lindy yes, we will wait and see. We have heard they might do nothing in the first year. Have a great time in Wales.
  • Ditto from me, LINDY - have a lovely break. You said a longer time there? You will be sad about missing your planned trips abroad...
    Foot is back to normal so I have no excuse not to mow the grass today !
    HARELADY - sorry to read about your sis in law's illness but good to hear from you.
    Hope to be back later, I've been very lazy lately
  • Good morning, all. It's another beautiful day here and I'm looking to take Limpy out somewhere once he's had his flu jab.

    Had a good laugh earlier. Limpy gets updates on bird sightings on his mobile daily - one of them today announced that 'group pink floyd' flying over somewhere north of here! The additional word 'foots' was added rather quickly.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Heather What has been wrong with your foot/ankle? Glad to hear it is much better now and asking because I have a foot/ankle problem which is making walking quite a problem.
  • DIBNLIB- thankfully, no permanent foot pain, I have had plantar fasciitis a couple of times and have come down the stairs too quickly a few times :-( Have you found out what is wrong?
  • No Heather, I did phone the surgery on Thursday and they have been told to filter all appts, hence I have a phone appt with a physio on Monday. I would really like to be referred for an X-ray as the problem comes and goes and the ankle is often quite swollen. This is the leg which I broke 10 years ago (Triple break inc disclocated ankle so wondering if there is any connection!
  • It could well be connected, DIBNLIB as you say. I hope that the physio will ask for an X ray.
  • Hi, all. Sorry nothing from me yesterday. It was rather a muddled day, but we got through everything in the end. I had my third appt with a nurse about my leaky leg. Junior was off sick so I saw the most senior nurse, and she said I was right all along – it is a leg ulcer! She said best treatment is to rest properly on the bed with my feet up to try to use gravity to drain my legs. Tried this afternoon and I was in agony with the joints. Since I can’t get on or off the bed on my own, it would be very difficult, so I have decided to try to remember to spend more time on my chair with an extra boost for the sore leg (one with the worst hip pain is much less swollen).

    J seems to be in quite good shape this weekend after two less demanding days at work. He has caught right up with his ironing and has been bustling about doing various things. OH mowed yesterday and today, and did some weeding and tidying – this evening he is watering the beans and various needy pot plants. We have had a spectacular show of Butterflies this week, especially today they are loving the second flush of Buddleia flowers, Dahlias, Liatris etc. We are so lucky to have these beauties to watch.

    I was going to reply to a number of posts, but have left this rather late – so will just add that I am thinking of Linda and OH in Wales for their longer stay and hope the weather holds out for them. Good wishes to all.
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