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I wonder what today will bring? Will they decide to go fishing or head off south? I guess it's wait and see time....again.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Emma Ah so it was you who bought the copy recently. It went from 28 copies to 27. Mind you some of them are expensive!
I bought a book described as tatty and was surprised how good its condition was. Yes Abebooks are very good indeed for books.
Tiger Signature
Thanks Tiger, Yes it is exiting, I wonder what makes them set off? #11 is the younger one, so that is unexpected too. Most years, recently anyway, the chicks and male have been around in the first week of September. These ospreys just do what they like, don't they...!
I have bookmarked their website Tiger and will certainly try them first when I am book-shopping. Must head bedwards now as work awaits me in the morning. Catch up with you all on tomorrow's daily. Hopefully LG staff will be able to offer us a brief update.
ChrisyB I do not think anyone really knows what makes the ospreys set off when they do. The reality is that they seem to be regular in their habits. EJ has always been an early bird. Henry would have done well to find this out before pairing up with her and he was a late bird most of the time.
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RSPB Giving Nature a Home