Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 August 2020


The moon turns full on Monday, 3 August, in the U.K. and U.S.

I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe week! 

  • Just seen CLARE has appeared on "Am I Weird" thread about liking Gulls! Hadn't seen her name anywhere for a very long time!
  • Good to know Clare is still around. And OG, also glad to hear your new computer is becoming house-trained.

    I seem to have had two very unproductive days. I keep thinking of several things that need doing - and that's as far as it gets. I've got a friend coming round tomorrow, so I'll need to wind myself up!
  • We took the first poss opportunity and "Ate out to help out" yesterday. We went to Torrish restaurant in Ness Walk hotel for afternoon tea. It was a belated birthday meal for OH.

    OG I agree and usually like home made curry to sit fo 24 hours before reheating and eating. I hope you all enjoyed the korma.
  • I had disappointing news yesterday. The fitness club I have belonged to for many years will not be reopening in Inverness. I really only used it for swimming, occasionally as often as 5 times a week. The only other fitness club in inverness with a decent sized pool is much more expensive so I won't be joining there and the Inverness Leisure Club is noisy and busy so that is out. Doom anyone want to buy some swimming cozzies!!!!
  • DIBNLIB - sorry about the swimming club - I know that was an almost daily aspect of your life! Maybe one of the big hotels opens it's pools to local residents at certain times of the day? Worth enquiring.
  • Great that you are up and running, and faster, too, OG! Yes, I hit my head more than once on the low entrance to the storage area. This one is a very small cupboard which we have carpeted and have a light in, but is way too low to stand up in. Originally it was supposed to be an extra wardrobe, but when they built in the loft room they found that they would need to put extra joists to hold up the floor, and so the whole ceiling of the bedroom is lower than we wanted: but my OH, who is over 6ft, just bends a little as he walks around, LOL!

    Been on the phone for about an hour and a half, so off to do some ironing again, now. So exciting!
  • dibnlib: what a shame, I only just saw your post as I wrote the above at lunchtime then forgot to press the "reply" button. Hope you can find somewhere else to swim, its such good exercise. (Says someone who has not been in a pool for over 25 years !)
  • dibnlib: That's so frustrating about the pool! I do sympathize and hope you can find another option that won't break the bank, although it's hard to put a price on something that's so beneficial in so many ways... Maybe that other center has options other than full membership?
  • Thanks OG. Yes some hotels do open to non residents but they tend to be small pools and a good swim is just not possible.

    What a grim day again. It has rained all day long so didn't even offer Benson. We did go out for coffee though and met up with an ex colleague of OH.
  • Thanks for your sympathies about my loss of the fitness club. I have investigated the only other decent fitness club in the area in the past and think it is a no no.