DYFI DAILY OBS & CAPTURES - AUGUST 2020 to end of season

Congratulations to Ems and all at the ©Dyfi Osprey Project, you have kept a great service going throughout this difficult time.


From this:

To this:

... in no time at all ;)

Compliments of ALISON:

"KC7 (Bob1) is Tywi (pronounced Toe-wee) and KC6 (Bob2) is Teifi (pronounced Tay-vee)"

Brought forward from 01 July, the proud and prolifically provisioning parents:


All pictures and videos:


  • Currently one brother is on the nest perch having a thorough preen and exercising his lungs, and the other is on the L arm of Monty's perch

  • Telyn not seen since Thursday. Yes, the  weather has been awful with rain but not particularly  windy. She may have  already set off

  • I claimed to snap Telyn on Friday, CIRRUS.  I was quite confident at the time but if DOP say she wasn't there, then she wasn't there and I apologise.  Wish I'd managed to capture a ring, I can't remember exactly what I saw now and there's no way to go back and check.

    scylla said:

    14 August

    ©Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust ©Dyfi Osprey Project


    Later Telyn arrived (scuse this, I'm exploring software capabilities):

    It looked as tho she would fly off straight ahead but she suddenly turned right:

  • 17 August

    Thank you for coverage in difficult circumstances, PATILY - I understand about muesli, I've changed to Mornflake Oatbran now with apricots 'n prunes, but it still cramps my style Blush

    06:00 Tywi arrived and played with the leftover fish for at least 15 minutes before flying off with it.  It was the night/day/night/day period.

    Still quite early, two osps flew in from different directions:

    The one on the left flew to the perch and chipped, the one on the right continued left out of the top of our picture:

    It eventually left without a nest visit.

    Getting on for noon? ... someone flew up to the perch:

    Must have been Idris but was unco-operative:

    Aha!  No rings!

    Quite late afternoon.

    A juvie had been on the nest and the nest perch, obscured by raindrops, it might have been this one or it might not ;)

    He shouted and dived down to nest but there was nothing there I could see, then he hopped to perch and performed as KC6 does and magnifier tells me it was he, and he flew out left:

    Not long after there must have been PATILY's report with one on the nest perch and one on the high perch, then both on the high perch for a good hour!

    Best view of the whole day - they're seriously waiting for a fish Heart eyesHeart eyes

    KC6 (on the left) is on the point of flying off to our right:

    Then Daddy brought a great big flounder:

    KC6 had first dibs and KC7 was patient:

    KC7 went up to the high perch and then to the campost:

    Then down to the nest perch, then to the nest where he got flapped off by KC6 and he flew off:

    KC6 flew off soon after, leaving the fish on the nest.

    KC7 descended artistically distorted for the fish:

    He ate a lot and flew leaving some on the nest:


  • Teifi on the nest poking about for scraps in between doing a lot of shouting Tywi I presume on Monty's perch Do we have any idea where Idris rests when not in sight?
  • patily said:
    Do we have any idea where Idris rests when not in sight?

    We'll have to ask on Chat, PATILY, when we get around to it :)

    18 August

    First Osp:

    This was still day/nightday/nigh/day when last night's fish was collected:

    I'm assuming the darker bird is KC7 Tywi, while KC6 has the fish?

    If it wasn't Tywi it could only have been Telyn:

    That was all well before 06:25.

    Tywi's post-poop prance:

    I've only just realised that my editor's settings are still at ones I had to use for a previous "job" so my snaps are too light 'n bright, sorry!

    See how hollow Idris's crop is, he can't have eaten yet this morning:

    Head eaten before flyoff:

    Idris has had his breakfish brains:

    Flyoff - there's a fish under there somewhere ;)

    The above were up to 12:30.

    Early-ish afternoon:

    I didn't see anyone after that.

    Telyn not knowingly seen.

  • This has gone seriously wrong - but it's the thought/thinking that counts, they say ;-*

  • A Barn Owl visited.  No vocals.  The nightcam isn't very clear these days.

    It had started out hardly visible on the right crossbar of the high perch, then flew down to the nest perch, then to the nest.

  • You can't have known that though I have been much better these days, this morning I felt just like that background blend! Kinda dark but clearing up! Love you guys! This morning I got up at dawn to check the pond near my house for osprey, since I saw 2 the evening previous, fishing! We've never had osprey in our neighborhood. One adult male sitting in a dead tree, not moving. Typical! I'm going again tomorrow, would love to see a fish being caught! xxx

    scylla said:

    This has gone seriously wrong - but it's the thought/thinking that counts, they say ;-*

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