LOCH ARKAIG - AUGUST 2020 TO MARCH 2021. Highlights are Mary GK's and Geemeff's wonderful videos of the 2020 season

August is the month when we've seen the Loch Arkaig ospreys depart on their journey south. We've enjoyed watching them this year - the wonderful parenting skills of Aila and Louis, and the antics of their 3 chicks, Captain, Vera and Doddie. 

Mary GK did an absolutely wonderful video summarising the 2020 season. Thank you so much Mary! And here is Geemeff's great compilation, thank you!

2020 last dates:

Doddie JJ6 was last seen at the nest on Saturday 15th August 2020

Aila was last seen on Saturday 22nd August 2020

Captain JJ7 was last seen on Sunday 23rd August 2020

Vera JJ8 was last seen on Saturday 5 September.

An unidentified osprey was seen off camera on Sunday 6 September eating a fish. This could well have been Louis, having arrived and found no Vera around to feed.

Doddie JJ6 was videod and photographed fishing for over a fortnight at Avalon Marshes in Somerset 

Link to July 2020 thread

Link to Youtube channel

Link to Woodland Trust Loch Arkaig page/webcam feed

  • Ian S said:

    08.16, JJ8 arrives just before Louis who delivers a whole (not flat) fish. JJ6 follows Louis in. JJ8 (who I don't think ate much yesterday) claims the fish. Ian

    08.25, strange behaviour from JJ8. JJ6 is shouting for the fish but not proactively trying to steal it. JJ8 just walks away from it and leaves it to JJ6. JJ8 had eaten a bit of the fish but not much. She looks well enough, could she be getting fish off camera? She flies off at 08.27, leaving JJ6 with his free gift.

    Morning Ian, everyone..

    There's speculation on WT chat that Vera's not well, but I'm also wondering like you Ian, if she might be fishing for herself, or maybe getting fish off camera. What did Aila do with that sizeable bit of fish she left with at 17.02 and returned without at 17.09? I really think it was too big to eat in seven minutes. And she then left with the other big fish remnant at 17.17 - if she had eaten the first one, she wouldn't have needed the second. 

    But all quite unusual, will be interesting to see how today unfolds.

  • I saw the speculation on WT chat that JJ8 was injured in her scuffle with JJ6 yesterday morning over the 10.11 fish (as reported on this thread). I don't subscribe to that view because a) it wasn't a major scuffle, JJ6 made no real contact with JJ8 & b) it was JJ8 who had a firm grip of JJ6's head feathers. Ian
  • JJ7 eating a delicious looking tail

    (c) WT Loch Arkaig

  • Vera does look a sorry sight

    (c) WT Loch Arkaig

  • 11.30, JJ7 & JJ8 are on the nest when Louis brings in a flat fish. JJ6 follows Louis in. For once there isn't a mad scramble to get the fish, JJ8 is nearest the fish but doesn't make a move for it. Instead JJ7 takes it. Currently JJ7 is alone on the nest with the fish. Ian

    EDIT - 11.44, JJ6 alarm calls and both he & JJ8 leave the nest in a hurry, this is why JJ7 is alone on the nest.


  • Korky "JJ7 eating a delicious looking tail".

    I think that was the one Louis brought in at 08.16 that JJ8 "gave to" JJ6 at 08.25. I didn't see JJ6 finish it. Ian
  • 12.31, JJ7 lets JJ6 take the flat fish. JJ7 flies off. Ian

  • 12.35, it's JJ6's lucky day. He is on the nest eating the flat fish (see previous post) when Louis brings in a headless fish. After giving the matter some thought & lots of squealing JJ6 abandons the flat fish for the "normal" one. Ian


  • 13.04, JJ6 flies with the normal fish leaving the flat fish on the nest. 13.05, Aila comes in for the flat fish, JJ6 returns to the front side perch (still with fish in talon) and is shouting at Aila. Aila is eating the flat fish on the nest. Ian
  • JJ6 shouting for all he is worth and somebody is responding in similar fashion off-cam, but Aila is carrying on eating, disregarding the demands

    C WT Loch Arkaig