LOCH ARKAIG - AUGUST 2020 TO MARCH 2021. Highlights are Mary GK's and Geemeff's wonderful videos of the 2020 season

August is the month when we've seen the Loch Arkaig ospreys depart on their journey south. We've enjoyed watching them this year - the wonderful parenting skills of Aila and Louis, and the antics of their 3 chicks, Captain, Vera and Doddie. 

Mary GK did an absolutely wonderful video summarising the 2020 season. Thank you so much Mary! And here is Geemeff's great compilation, thank you!

2020 last dates:

Doddie JJ6 was last seen at the nest on Saturday 15th August 2020

Aila was last seen on Saturday 22nd August 2020

Captain JJ7 was last seen on Sunday 23rd August 2020

Vera JJ8 was last seen on Saturday 5 September.

An unidentified osprey was seen off camera on Sunday 6 September eating a fish. This could well have been Louis, having arrived and found no Vera around to feed.

Doddie JJ6 was videod and photographed fishing for over a fortnight at Avalon Marshes in Somerset 

Link to July 2020 thread

Link to Youtube channel

Link to Woodland Trust Loch Arkaig page/webcam feed

  • Ian S said:
    Geemeff, "Vera packing up 10.25"

    I had to copy the URL off this clip to YT to watch it. Unlike Patily's clips that were flagged as "private" this one was marked as "unavailable". The second clip in the same post was fine, YT is strange sometimes. Ian

    Weird, Ian, glad you persisted and were able to watch it. I checked now and it seems fine, YT sometimes tells me I don't have permission to watch my own videos!

    Speaking of weird, WT website is showing offline for maintenance right now, there was no warning, I refreshed the page and can't get back in.

  • MaryGK said:

    Thankfully Janet Sampson on FOA FB Group has suggested the word as being "Stereopsis" which is more like the word I was thinking of for the reason of the head bobbing from side to side, I cannot remember if it was the actual word or not but she has put me out of my misery of trying to remember it

    Isn't it annoying when you can't recall something, but worse is an ear worm like a piece of music you hear then can't get out of your head!
    1. the perception of depth produced by the reception in the brain of visual stimuli from both eyes in combination; binocular vision.
    optokinesis: of, relating to, or involving movements of the eyes;
    1. Head bobbing might have a biomechanical cause, it might serve depth perception via motion parallax, or it might be an optokinetic response that primarily serves image stabilization for improved vision during the hold phase
  • WT site's back up again, new link (looks the same as the old one but the internal cookies are different)

  • Ian said:

    "Anyway, I was reading a book on birds last night and there was a picture of an owl skull. I turned to the wife and said, look at the sclerotic rings on that skull. She said, I can't make them out very well, I just wish my visual acuity was better. I agreed with her and said if only we humans had double fovea like birds rather than just a single fovea things might be better. She suggested that maybe the absence of the pecten oculi in humans didn't help either." Ian

    Very good Ian! Didn't see this earlier, must improve my own visual acuity, perhaps a touch of optokinesis will help..

  • Fish delivery for JJ8

    Aila scarpers quickly

    JJ8 holds onto her fish, calls, looks around for any sibling who might sneak up!

    13.19 no sign of anyone else and still she just stands

    quietly contemplating the nest

    calls, and 13.22 starts tucking in, well albeit a bit half heartedly to begin with.  

    Edit:  She flew off with the fish 13.49

    © The Woodland Trust Loch Arkaig OP

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • I did a video of the 06.48 Fish Delivery this morning, unfortunately You Tube were playing up and it would not process, so I had to go out and leave it.    Much to my surprise when I looked when I came back it had uploaded.   

    I loved the look on JJ8/Vera's face as JJ7 flew off with the fish.   

  • Sheila, the fish delivery at 13.14 was made by Aila. Ian

  • Many thanks for being so observant, Ian. I have corrected my post.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 14.10, Louis brings a fish to an empty nest. JJ8 (still with the last fish in talon) comes in after Louis. She takes a couple of minutes to decide to start on the fresh fish. Ian


    JJ8 before deciding to start on the new fish


  • Video of the 14.10 Fish Delivery   JJ8/Vera doesn't know quite what to do with two fish, and still she calls 

    it is funny as the sound is out of synch so Vera is managing to eat and call at the same time, although knowing her that is quite a possibility