WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 26, 2020

Hi all!  Check back to last page of previous week for updates on LIndybird's weekend in Wales plus photos.    

Granddaughter is coming tomorrow for a couple of days before taking Ms D. back to AZ on Tuesday.  Her school (online) starts the following week.  Very weird semester schedules in AZ.


  • Beautiful lilies LINDA.

    Food shop over & done for another week. I have returned to restocking grocery spares in case our state has a second wave like VIC and we go back into stricter lockdown. With OH going out to lunch, it does increase our contacts. Dau is speaking to her father now, planning a lunch together. She gave me a task to source girls briefs from a store “sort-of” near us as her store is out of stock. So many of our goods are imported and with few planes bringing things in, shop shelves are getting bare.

  • It is even harder for the average ape to believe that he has descended from man. (H L Mencken)

    Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That's the problem (A.A. Milne)

    An emu went to the airport. A security guard stopped him at the gate and said, "Sorry mate, emus can't fly".

  • Evening all: Everyone safely back at home; we are all tired. Incredibly disruptive here today with the floors and so much noise. Tomorrow looks to be just the same, then it should get better.

    Have read all your news, loved the photos but am too tired to think.....
  • Good Morning. Dry here after what felt like a cold night. Warmer predicted for tomorrow, and really hot for Friday!!

    Annette, noise is very tiring and of course you've had quite a time of it, what with your OHs drama and having your family stay, right after having the decorators in. . I hope you'll soon be enjoying your rest at the weekend once it's all done.

    AQ: I've also been keeping up my stocks of dry goods etc just in case we need to isolate again, you never know what might happen in this saga. Bought more loo rolls yesterday, LOL!!
  • I should learn not to try to predict when I might do something – sorry I didn’t come back yesterday – came over very tired yesterday after podiatrist was here. I think it was due to having conversation with a human being.

    HEATHER – good to see how important the girls’ sleepover was to you – another step forward.

    ANNETTE – how many rooms are being re-floored? Are the men moving furniture for you? Good to read later that family arrived back safely in AZ. Hope OH continues well and can hide from disruption, especially noise!

    LINDA – sorry about the peas – OH is picking some right now and I am appointed “chief podder” – so good to find a job I can do! Loved the colour of those Lilies – would make me sneeze and wheeze! Weather good here also today – best enjoy it while we can.

    Internet connection just gone down! Urgggh!

    Short disruption – looks as if it is back now.

    AQ – good idea to return to keeping supplies in stock – especially if there ae already some supply difficulties – remember the toilet rolls! Enjoyed animal jokes!

    Well, peas have appeared so better prep them!
  • Good news - managed to arrange to have new PC delivered in 4-7 days!

    Also reached a decision - having said I would not have cleaner back pro tem, we have decided not to restart anyway - OH says he will be happy (sic) for me to tell him when things need doing, so I shall revert to my old database to make sure all rooms are covered regularly. Decided on Thursdays for this, so we start tomorrow!
  • OG - she wasn't that efficient anyway, as I recall! I remember years ago you had a cleaner who wasn't up to scratch. My Welsh friend is happy as her cleaner starts again next week. When I stayed there last year I noticed some things that the cleaning lady was missing, mould in the family bathroom and shower, for example. But my friend hates housework and her house is not the easiest to clean. It is quite new and has ceramic tiled floors all over the ground floor ( large hall, kitchen/diner, utility room, family room and lounge). Her staircase is wooden with glass sides which continue all across the upstairs landing :-(

  • Morning all:

    OG:  Funny you should mention furniture.  Yes, they're moving it, but they were on the verge of leaving yesterday afternoon when I stopped them and asked if they'd move a couple of chairs and the TV stand to somewhere where we might just possibly be able to sit down for the evening.   I'm not wild about this crew, they're not rude but seem clueless that they're in someone's home and that it isn't just a job site.  Such a contrast to the painting crew who greeted you each morning with smiles and kept you apprised of their progress.  Depending on how the rest of the week goes, I might say something to the woman in the office when it's all done.  I'm already feeling cranky this morning so will have to remember to breathe and remind myself that this too shall pass.   Re how many rooms, it's the living room and adjoining dining space (not that we 'dine' there), the hall, plus 'my' room and OH's office (which in similar houses is a fourth bedroom).  New carpeting goes in the three official bedrooms and that'll be a one-day job, which we'll schedule for next week.  Hurray for new computer.  Hope it will set it self up with no complications.

    AQ:  I was talking to granddaughter about how much of what we buy is made in China, which makes me wonder how the Trump-China animosity affects things, though I suspect businesses on both countries just carry on and ignore all the posturing.  

    OH seems to be coming along nicely; we have follow up appt with doc next week.  

    Off to wave the face cloth around and get something to eat before floor people arrive.


  • ANNETTE - I'm not surprised you are grumpy. Quite apart from the workmens' attitude, your house has been busy for a long time what with painters, etc.
    AQ - I've been listening on radio about the problems in Victoria. I would be the same as you, stocking up a bit in case the sneaky virus appears in your state.
    LYNETTE- it will indeed be pleasant to have a meal in the family home. I don't suppose that there are many of us who could do that. My childhood home was sold many years ago.
    ROSY - I do hope that you will be able to see your granddaughter at some point. It is such a pity that she was unable to see her Dad this summer.
  • Hi, folks. Don't let me interrupt the conversation. I'm just popping in with information for anyone who wants to watch tomorrow's NASA launch to Mars.

    The launch of the ULA Atlas V rocket carrying the Perseverance Rover to Mars is scheduled for Thursday, July 30. Liftoff will occur at 12:50 p.m. in U.K. Live coverage begins at 12:00 noon in U.K. Liftoff will be at 4:50 a.m. in California and coverage will begin at 4:00 a.m. in California. 

    I'm going to watch the launch on the NASA YouTube page HERE.

    NASA is hosting a lot of different options for watching and participating in the launch. For all the streams and activities for adults and children, see the Space.com
    page HERE.

    I know Annette has about all she can handle right now, and I don't know if anyone else would be interested. But this launch is a big deal because it's going to Mars, so I thought I'd give you the info. 

    Take care, all! I have a bunch of paperwork to do, so I'll be back in a day or two.