Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 July 2020

I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Stay healthy, all.


Here's a repeat of my post at the end of last week's thread:

Hi, folks. I'm late in posting this, but for all of you who are still around tonight (4 July): 


The moon turns full at:

5:44 a.m. tomorrow morning (5 July) in U.K.
12:44 a.m. tonight in Indiana
11:44 a.m. tonight (July 4) in Iowa
9:44 a.m. tonight (July 4) in California 
2:14 p.m. on July 5 in Adelaide, Australia

ALSO: a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse is visible (July 4-5) in the U.S. and also in the U.K. Go to this link to find the times that the eclipse begins, reaches maximum, and ends in your area. Just insert your city in the search box in the right column to see your own local times. SEE HERE

Everyone have a good evening!!!

  • Grey skies threatening rain, which came later.

  • Lovely pics, LINDY.
    Poor Matthew, hope he's not been playing with his wound ( as my children often did! ) I hope you get to Wales and enjoy your time there.
    I know what OG means about noise. Since lockdown started there has been a lot more going on in gardens etc, here. I find myself getting irritated which is a bit silly since I live on a bus route..
    Good that your painters are getting on well, ANNETTE. I
  • Morning all:

    Lindybird:  My goodness, if it weren't for OG's comment, I'd be even more clueless.  Hope your finger isn't too sore.  When I was taking cooking classes (not that it did much good) the teacher also warned us about 'hiding' knives in sink full of soapy water.   Did I also miss a planned visit to Wales or is the brochure just to while away the time?  Ah, now I see courtesy of OG (again!) that you're hoping for next Monday.   I really must pay more attention.   Lovely photos!!

    OG:  Beach was wonderful.  Sat on a picnic table with face to the sun and wind and listened to a podcast on the (short) History of Handwashing.  Apparently, soap has been around since about 2800 BC but we've been actually using it to wash hands since the 1700s.  Louis IVX (14th anyway) apparently had a bath at age 27 and again at 29 for medicinal purposes.  They apparently didn't cure him and he never had another one, but maybe washed his face and hands once every day or two if I remember correctly.  You have to wonder why the human race didn't go extinct - what with all those smelly bodies.  Yuk.

    AQ:  I really like Don't believe everything you think.  I should have that framed for my daughter!  :-)

    Nice to see that according to the US Supreme Court Donny T isn't immune to subpoenas from New York prosecutors, but there's a hang up on the release of his tax returns for now.  Hmmm.  No wonder he wants to get re-elected; those NY prosecutors must be drooling at the prospect of eventually getting their hands on him.

    Painters are here.  A really nice foursome; meticulous about protecting non-painted surfaces etc.  They're working in the living room and kitchen today.  Everything is piled in 'my' room, which they'll do tomorrow, but looks like a jumble sale right now. Tonight, OH and I will be shuffling everything from there into the living room and beyond....

    Floors are now due to be done the week of the 27th   Daughter and appendages may be here for a few days the week of the 20th and we're okay with two weeks of rest in between the disruptions.

    Take care everyone.

  • Good news about Condors - the rangers at Sequoia National Park revealed first sightings in 50 years of wild condors. One man said that a condor had flown from the top of the cliff (where he was standing), then caught a thermal that carried it straight back up the cliff face so that it passed him at about a 10' distance. The birds, with a 9-5ft wing span, are the largest on the continent. There were only about 22 at the time they were caught and bred in captivity; now there are more than 300 out there. Also, a U.S. Court of Appeals has ruled that grizzly bears must stay on the Endangered Species Act, upsetting all the would-be bear hunters. :-)
  • LINDA - lovely pics of your walk in the country - and herself with the flying ears!

    ANNETTE - I guess in the pre-bathing and washing days, the human body had much better immunity to anything nasty - and they wouldn't notice smells as they all had them! Wow, a full gang on the painting now - glad they are getting on with it. I hope you manage to shift everything for the next room tomorrow - then the upheaval of family - followed by the new flooring - I just don't know how you cope with it all! Such good news about the Condors - and good news for Grizzlies too!

    Wind dropped this afternoon - sunny, bright and 22 degrees C. Spent a lovely couple of hours on the deck while E_E was dead-heading and weeding among pots and the perennials bed. Just had a pleasant evening shower of rain.
  • Lovely pics of your walk Lindy. I think we may have been on that route with you before. Is it far from your home?
    Good news that you can go to Wales again.

    Glad the painting is progressing well Annette. It is a pain when workmen are in the house, however good they are.
    Good news about the condors and grizzlies. To see a condor at about 10' must be quite something.

    OG and Annette. I seem to remember reading that Elizabeth 1st had a bath and washed her hair every summer and took three days to recover. I think she was considered to be exceptionally clean.

    We have not seen the sun down here for several days. I am not complaining. It has been drizzling for much of the time. I believe that the sun is coming back tomorrow.

    I have noticed in passing that my dentist is open in a limited way. I have two outstanding appointments. They have not contacted me, but inertia has set in on my part. Judging from comments on here, I think most of us feel the same.
    I have never gone so long without a hygienist visit, though.

    Our GP contacted my OH to go in for diabetic and asthma checks. He did so today, as they were overdue.

    Hello to Heather. Sorry about your gardening problems. Good that you told your lawn man where to go!
    Do you use the buses if you are on a bus route? I have not been on a bus since lockdown. I am usually a frequent user, but only ten people are allowed on a bus at the moment. I don't feel that confident yet, so will leave it to people who really need to go somewhere. I look forward to my first visit to a garden centre in a long time.
  • Glad you managed a sit out, OG - not nice enough, here, but at least it's rained less!!

    Don't seem to have got much done today, but not losing any sleep over it.

    Great that things are getting done, Annette - nearly there! Don't pull any muscles lugging stuff from room to room.
  • Hi all, just dropping in. Weather has been changeable down here. Not much going on, just routine stuff.

    Love the wild flower pics, Lindybird.

    Hope you are all keeping on top of things and at least there is some easing now of restrictions - lets hope people will be sensible.
  • Overcast, rain due later but it has to be washing day as I’ll spend the weekend cleaning for The Big Visit on Monday. Dau & Trio are coming for lunch – sausage rolls of course! Last eve Dau relaxed on her bed with her 2 cats for a long phone chat. One by one the Trio passed by on their way to bed. Dau was exhausted with entertaining Trio for school holidays, usual library activities cancelled for virus. They had a play-date with another family at a playground one day.

    I see the Sth American leader has caught the “only a little flu”.