LOCH ARKAIG - The Woodland Trust - JULY 2020

I'm starting this thread in case it's not possible for MARY to do it due to the first-of-the-month freeze-up.

Aila, Louis and their 3 chicks are flourishing, with Louis proving a great provider to the biggest family he's had so far.

I might add some snaps 'n things if I last a bit longer, but let's get the thread on the road first ;)


  • Filling in some gaps in GEEMEFF's absence (locked out again?!  It's not on !!! )...

    JJ6 had more of a struggle than I've shown but got down a fishtail in the end :)

    Aila flew @ 20:54, JJ6 had some good flaps and JJ7 too, to a lesser extent...

    Aila returned (looking a bit cros-eyed) cos she knew it was coming on to rain:

    Nice light @ nearly 22:00:


    That's Aila flying, could only be glimpsed when the chick's wings allowed ;)


    Off again !!! ... in a funny shape :-/

    Back again - still raining tho you can't see it:


    She was off again @ 04:32, leaving the chicks to their own devices - which included some flapping but then they rested soggily:

    Until Louis delivered half a fish with a plump crop - Louis, not the fish ;)


    I think I've now overlapped MARY's narrative.


  • MaryGK said:
    I am using IPad instead of my PC

    Thank you for the explanation - in view of what PATILY said I thought we might have yet another malfunction on the site :)

    EDIT - I hope I never get reduced to that because I wouldn't know where to start (Android, not iPad).


  • Morning all, naming announcement due imminently!

    It's just happened. Doddie, Vera and Captain.

    BBC Breakfast announcement 08.39

  • The first fish - JJ6 took it from Louis and kept it! The nest's earlier appearance on the beeb, and Aila trying and failing to cover the chicks last night

    BBC Breakfast 06.23


    First fish, headless trout 05.43.55


    Too big to brood  21.09


  • Here are the names, from the WT website:

    JJ6 - Doddie
    JJ8 - Vera
    JJ7 - Captain

    There were over 10,000 votes cast in the naming poll.
    50% voted for Doddie, Vera and Captain.
    28% voted for Thor, Freya and Loki.
    14% voted for Ally, Bally and Bee.
    8% voted for Hagrid, Boudica and Merlin

  • 10.15, Louis brings in a fish. Aila takes it from Louis but JJ6 takes it from Aila who gives it up straightaway. Ian

    EDIT - 10.22, it looks like JJ7 has taken it from 6.


  • Welcome Doddie, Vera, Captain Tom, the names of the new Osprey's. A nice choice.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • 10.30, JJ8 tries to take the fish from 7 and gets a nip on the head for her troubles. 10.32, it looks like JJ7 is about to nip Aila as well, but instead he lets her take the fish. They all get some fish from Aila. 10.40, JJ7 deals competently with the tail. Ian

  • Aila is back on the nest fish soliciting. Chicks are lying down

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