Link to may/june-2020

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All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


As the season progresses, Laddie (LM12) continues to make occasional visits to the empty webcam nest, defending his area from passing intruders.  It is hoped that both he and NC0 have a successful nest in the vicinity of the Loch.



21st July  - NC0 made an appearance on the nest, her first visit since 19th April 

24th July  - NC0, confirmed ring identification during a second visit to the nest

10th August  - Laddie's last appearance on the webcam nest > Here and Video by Scylla

20th August  - One chick for Laddie (LM12) and NC0 > successful-first-season-for-loch-of-the-lowes-ospreys

6th September - Probable migration date for Laddie (LM12) and the juvenile was Saturday, 29th August >


  • 21:44ish It left the tree and did a very quick fly past, far left of the nest (white blur!)

    Just off from the top of the tree

    Start of actual flight


  • I didn't check out your osprey obs, SANDRA, figuring that a video was unlikely to add value to your snaps Blush

    Otherwise, nothing found for the remainder of yesterday, no-one found all night (and I skip-listened all the way thru, no critters whatsoever heard! just varying winds/calms), and no-one seen this morning up to about 08:00.

  • Many thanks Scylla :)
    The 'blurred' pics of the flight I captured were taken at 0.25 playback speed...it didn't help much! lol
  • 13:00ish Laddie was on the nest, chipping/mantling/alarm calling. Scrolling back, he appeared to be chipping/alarm calling in the distance about a minute before coming to the nest (it did go silent for a little while until he was close to landing)

    He appeared to be leaving...

    ...but stopped himself

    Then went

    Another very short stay (under 30 seconds) Edit - an everso slightly longer visit than that, as per Scylla's video, below Slight smile


  • Sandra P said:
    13:00ish Laddie was on the nest, chipping/mantling/alarm calling.

    I'm only up to something-past-2.

  • Is it just me being really optimistic, or does all this defending, chipping and visiting the nest seem to bode well for next year?

    The fact that NCO is visiting as well adds to that.

    Richard B

  • My opinion is that I think it does bode well for next season, Richard. NC0 has defended on at least one occasion recently. Fingers crossed!

    Many thanks for Laddie's video, Scylla! 


  • Around 20:10 - another evening fly-past

    Reflection over the Loch before coming into view against the backdrop of the dark trees


  • Maybe around 07:45 ???

    "Loose stick gives Red Squirrel a fright" - shame, cos it fled pronto :(  At the beginning a bird shoots out of the nest at the front.

    A bit later a corvid stopped in for a preen, it didn't face us or dig around much before disappearing over the back of the nest:

    Up to about 15:00 done.  But my downloader is going thru a phase of taking absolutely ages to finish off and save a 6-hour clip before it starts a new one.  This happened before, back in Nov 2017, and I can't get help because it seems I'm the only person in the world who downloads such "massive" files and I must expect it to take a long time - no matter that it's usually so fast.

    What I'm saying is, I could be missing 15 minutes every 6 hours Disappointed relieved

  • Thank you Scylla :)

    Just after 19:45, an Osprey flew from right to left across the Loch and landed on the dead tree giving a few calls as it reached there

    Edit - the above occurred about a minute after there was a quick blurred flight of a little bird from the top centre to the right of the screen
