Link to may/june-2020

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All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


As the season progresses, Laddie (LM12) continues to make occasional visits to the empty webcam nest, defending his area from passing intruders.  It is hoped that both he and NC0 have a successful nest in the vicinity of the Loch.



21st July  - NC0 made an appearance on the nest, her first visit since 19th April 

24th July  - NC0, confirmed ring identification during a second visit to the nest

10th August  - Laddie's last appearance on the webcam nest > Here and Video by Scylla

20th August  - One chick for Laddie (LM12) and NC0 > successful-first-season-for-loch-of-the-lowes-ospreys

6th September - Probable migration date for Laddie (LM12) and the juvenile was Saturday, 29th August >


  • (See end of previous page for NC0's approx.10 second visit this morning)

    10:45 Chipping heard in the distance

  • What a lovely clear shot of her fly-off, SANDRA :)

    I'm miles behind, only half-way thru yesterday :o  (Well I was when I started this post.)

    Here's some little-bird activity which you will be foolish to spend much time on but I gotta do it:

    We had a Shield Bug - if this was a green one that's native, but (because I'm looking for drama) it may have been an imported Brown Marmorated Stink Bug...

    Guy Barter*, chief advisor at the Royal Horticultural Society, said foreign stink bugs have been “invasive and damaging in warm countries”.

    Guy told AG: “Our Wisley entomologists suggest that these shield bugs, like the green shield bugs, pose a modest threat of establishing in mild southern areas only, as our climate is too cold/wet for them to thrive."

    *Obviously no relation, with only one T, but you can't help wondering due to some of Wendy's creepy-crawly productions Yum

    Bad news - the 6-hour clip ending at 01:10 this morning, which should include the ospreys fishing, will not play in any of the editors I've tried.  It looks perfectly normal so I can't imagine what's wrong :(

    Two 6-hour downloads since then were fine, but the second one I had to narrow down to a 15-minute window to find NC0 Open mouth

    I put her on half speed - so her corvidy warning voice sounds even more so:

  • Yes Scylla, I was foolish.
    Thats not the best quality and not easy to ID the bird. I will keep it to myself I think.

    Richard B

  • I was secretly hoping you'd have a look, RICHARD ;)

    Could it possibly be the female Pied Wagtail (I meant Flycatcher !!!  Thanks, RICHARD) flown up from Wales? Thinking Rolling eyes 

  • It did cross my mind, and really does look like a female Pied Flycatcher (not wagtail).

    It was looking about in the nest, but it did appear to fly up grabbing flying insects as well.

    Try as i could I couldn't really make it out to be a Great Tit.

    Richard B

  • Great captures of NC0 Sandra, especially her arrival and departure from the nest. ThumbsupOk hand

  • Thank you Mary, I surprised myself with those as the LS was on 'normal' speed Slight smile

    Scylla, many thanks for the videos. I could see 'someone' was on the nest during scroll back but it took an absolute age to find her again to take the snaps! Sorry you had problems with last night's 'diving' one. I was only alerted to the Osprey fishing after I heard the splash, it was lovely to see

    FYI, I'm not even going to attempt to ID the little bird! lol

  • Unknown said:
    does look like a female Pied Flycatcher (not wagtail).

    Duh!  I've edited my post.  Thank you :)

    I've looked and listened, no-one seen since last reports and the night seemed unnaturally quiet... up to 07:30 approx.

    I'm experimenting with keeping a tab open for LOTL cam, so far a darling Wood Pigeon has been driving me nutz cos I'm trying to listen to other things Rolling eyes

  • Haha Scylla, that Wood Pigeon was in fine voice prior to NC0's visit yesterday Wink

  • I haven't been able to keep much of a check on the cam today but quickly going through scroll back, I haven't noticed any visits to the nest

    Just before 21:00 however, an Osprey flew up to the dead tree

    21:28 It's still there
