Link to may/june-2020

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All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


As the season progresses, Laddie (LM12) continues to make occasional visits to the empty webcam nest, defending his area from passing intruders.  It is hoped that both he and NC0 have a successful nest in the vicinity of the Loch.



21st July  - NC0 made an appearance on the nest, her first visit since 19th April 

24th July  - NC0, confirmed ring identification during a second visit to the nest

10th August  - Laddie's last appearance on the webcam nest > Here and Video by Scylla

20th August  - One chick for Laddie (LM12) and NC0 > successful-first-season-for-loch-of-the-lowes-ospreys

6th September - Probable migration date for Laddie (LM12) and the juvenile was Saturday, 29th August >


  • Sandra P said:
    15:57 Laddie and an unringed intruder onto the nest!

    I took your word for the time ;)  And we hardly need a video after those supersnaps, Sandra, but I've done one anyway - not edited!  So it's the whole 9 yards Stuck out tongue

  • I haven't checked all night for sounds.

    05:45 approx!  A very Red Squirrel spent a few seconds on the nest:

    My internet went down so I've got a lot to sort out, maybe SANDRA can get some better snaps for us :)

  • Good morning Scylla and all,

    Spot on with the time of Laddie's visit, the Lowes tab was open on my computer so was alerted to the chipping immediately.

    What a beautiful red squirrel! No need for additional snaps, I think you've done it justice already. ThumbsupGrinning

    Many thanks for both videos, super! 

  • From scroll back, around 11:10, there were two Ospreys having a bit of a chase over by the dead tree, far left side of the Loch - chipping, alarm calling too. Laddie came to the nest for a matter of seconds before flying away BUT was back almost immediately, intruder followed him and it flew over the nest. He departed. Chipping/alarm calling continued for a couple of minutes after the last event. 

    Osprey chase over the Loch (2 observed)

    Osprey flying past the nest

    Laddie's first visit. Incoming

    2nd visit moments later - Laddie's flight to the nest

    Unringed intruder over the nest, flew right past

    The whole episode above lasted 5 minutes or so, I think


    Then, later this afternoon...

    15:40 Two Ravens spent about 30 minutes digging in the nest


  • Fab reporting and some wonderful wing spread captures Sandra, you should go in for Who wants to be a Millionaire, I am sure you’d win fastest finger first easily ha ha...

  • Ha ha ha! Thanks Mary, to be honest, I did have to slow the LS down by half (and pause it too) to get those wing captures otherwise they'd have just been a blur! lol Laughing

  • This morning's intrusion - I haven't included the pre- and post- chippings etc, for the sake us unsuspecting YouTubers ;) so it's not much over a minute long:

    We had an un-osprey-like wing flicker in the top left, but it must have been, of course:

  • Well done for finding the visits, Scylla - they were both so brief! Thank you!

    Yes it was an osprey wing! lol Slight smile  I think it was possibly Laddie's as he appeared to be the Osprey flying back past the nest before doing a u-turn over the Loch/trees then onto the nest for his first visit.

  • 23:25 Hearing distant juvenile Tawny food begging calls, maybe they'll pay a visit to the nest tonight...
  • Its an empty nest, but just check out the colour of the water.

    Absolutely beautiful 

    Richard B