Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 June 2020


I hope everyone has a healthy, safe, and happy week plus a wonderful July!!!

And somebody make it stop raining! I've had 5 inches of rain today. No kidding!

  • CHOL:):) Morning all
    @Annette as you say how frustrating Grr!!!

    @Aqualareen..... Did you know what Annette was going to post, with your 'thought' CHOL:):) 

    Take care all,, Hubby and I are going to use Bus today ,Gloved and masked and bottle of sanitizer
    Very short journey to Docs for wound change( long story ) Doh!!
    but hopefully,we have senior Nurse,was annoyed last week, after ringing twice to advise( on Hossie advice), Hubby would need senior Nurse, and being told ,yes its ok and you have a 30min appointment, The poor girl nearly fainted, when she saw us, and dashed out to find a Senior Grr!!!!!


  • Good Morning. Interesting posts last night/this morning. SunnyKate, sorry you sound to have had a drama - hope it heals quickly.

    Annette, workmen seem to come with all kinds of attitudes, in normal times, but I suppose now, we don't know what to expect. People have the most strange ideas! Hope you can get some progress with things. My OH and I had a quiet evening; both decided we'd said all we need to say on the subject and I know from the past that he can't bear to dwell on unpleasant stuff so no more to be said, for now. We are due to visit Sue this afternoon as she invited us over to see some new large pictures she bought. Of course, the dog will cope with her disability and already is doing - I suspect that the Dog Rescue knew more about her story than they let on, possibly the dog had been given to them by someone who couldn't cope financially. They would then hope that someone would take her on regardless. Certainly she is an affectionate creature, and has never been mistreated - she is not nervous in any way,which is usual with dogs who've been mistreated or had a chequered history. Funny thing is, Sue was talking before the lockdown about getting a Labrador - a bit different to this!

    Not sure what I'm doing this morning, could go out and get a change of scene, or could stay in and crack on with things.
  • AQ, sorry to hear about the funeral arrangements. When my father died our children were 8 and 11 and we arranged for a friend to take care of them for the day, as I decided they were too young to cope with the funeral.
  • Don’t waste your time in anger, regrets, worries, and grudges. Life is too short to be unhappy. (Roy T Bennett)

    Thanks - I think I am calming down now!

  • Morning all:  I do feel better this morning; still at the exasperated 'rolling eyes' stage. A couple more recitations to sympathetic friends and I'll be laughing.  :-))  

    AQ:  We're not bothered by step-back in restrictions as our bar-hopping days (if they ever existed) are long over. But I do miss going out to dinner and being waited on, even though we only did it once a month at most....    Poor Miss L; last-day-of-school parties are important.  :-)  

    SunnyKate:  Hope hospital visit went well.  Bus trip must've been quite an outing!

    No champagne-popping headlines from CNN this morning, except I see that Ghislaine Maxwell has finally been arrested....I wouldn't fancy being in her shoes.

    Off for a walk..

  • LINDY It sounds like Lulu is staying put. She is quite a cutie and will no doubt be great company for Sue.

    It was OHs 65th birthday yesterday and we enjoyed a lovely warm chicken, mango and cashew nut salad, followed by a shop bought lime cheesecake washed down with a new discovery white wine. I have booked for a very belated afternoon tea birthday treat at a new hotel in town and also have a hair appt booked though not till 24th of the month. Benson has of course taken priority and goes to be groomed on the 16th.
  • dibnlib: Your OH's birthday meal sounds really delicious - the sort of thing I'd order. Belated wishes to him.
  • Happy Birthday to your OH, Dibnlib.

    Been to visit Sue, my OHs sister. (We sat in the garden). There is going to be a sequel to The Dog Drama, sadly. Can't relate all now, there's more to come, but the story is not ended yet. :-(
  • We watched the livestream of the funeral. I could see the twins, sitting quietly for such a long time but they are used to church. At the end the Trio had a part to play, holding the basket with the eucalypt sprigs for people to place on coffin. It was nice to see many people spoke to the solemn Little People. I was uneasy at everyone passing closely but I told myself that our only covid cases in last month have been travellers in quarantine. Today is the burial and then life should return to normal for the little ones. I’m hoping we can see them (for real) soon.

    OH has gone out to lunch. Top of my list is to gather electrical stuff cluttering garage ready to take to the recycling depot. No, first, now the sun has appeared and rain cleared, I must hang the washing on the line.

  • Hardware: The parts of a computer system that can be kicked.

    Sometimes when my internet is down, I forget that the rest of my computer still works. . .

    Home is where the Wi-Fi connects automatically.

    A Windows user spends 1/3 of his life sleeping, 1/3 working, 1/3 waiting.