Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 June 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, healthy week! 

  • That sounds like a good idea to me LINDY. Glad you got your letter published.
  • Annette-So sorry to hear about Ozzie.
  • Sorry, that was a rant and I said I wouldn't do that. .. ...

    My OH has spent ages on the phone and also had to go out, to deal with a matter I can't discuss here. All is well now, we hope. He just took Bonnie out for a long walk to clear his head, and seems happy enough about thIngs.

    We are excited now, as the Welsh ministers are talking about possibly letting visitors into the country from England : up to now, we've not been able to get to our caravan as if ill, visitors would put too much strain on their hospitals there. This would be around the 4th or the 6th July. My sis in law rang & said "Are you packing?!" I'm trying not to get too hopeful in case something prevents jt.
  • ANNETTE So sorry to hear the news of Ozzie. Your daughter has had a bad time and also your friend.
  • Just back from first morning walk in a couple of weeks and surprised -  no, shocked! - at how easy it is to get out of shape!  Then again, I haven't been to the gym in months and at-home yoga has been a bit sporadic of late.  Must reorganize my priorities a bit.

    Lindybird: Congrats on getting your letter published.  Parts of our downtown area have been pedestrianized with the reopening.  I'm not sure if some the store owners are thrilled - the restaurants certainly are - but the fact is many ordinary merchants had already relocated because of the ridiculously high rents. Those that remain can't complain about loss of parking because the city has an abundance of parking lots just off State Street (the main drag).  Over the last few years, downtown has become more a stopping point for cruise ship visitors (none of those lately) rather than everyday residents.   Hope you can make it to Wales soon!

    Rosy:  My hairdresser is also back in business - I drove by yesterday and they have large floor-to-ceiling windows that were flung open, as was their front door.  I've got used to having my hair a bit longer again and rather like it.

    AQ;   Good that your OH got out for lunch; maybe he can do it more often now....   :-)

    Off to find my To-Do list.  Take care all.

  • Hello all
    I'll be here tomorrow, have read all your news and comments - thank you !
  • I'm growing my hair, Annette!! Not too sure if I'll like it though: I've had it very short for years & years.

    It's been so cold here that Sue has put her heating on. I'm sitting with a throw over my knees. The rain has not stopped hardly, all day. But we've got one or two things done.
  • More of our walk the other day.

    Whilst I was having a conversation with the duck, Bonnie disturbed some swans around the corner & they decided to take off even though she was nowhere near them. Here they are getting up off the water.