Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 June 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, healthy week! 

  • Unfortunately, two vets saw Ozzie and diagnosis was osteosarcoma; not just in the foot but in the leg too. Docs said that because it's so aggressive it has usually spread internally by the time it becomes obvious in the bones. Such a shame. They advised against amputation because of the likelihood of the fast internal spread and because Ozzie was an older dog and the prognosis was not good. I only got to pet him a couple of times; lovely dog. :-( He was just like daughter's other Shepherd, King, who had to be put down some months back. I think daughter will be a bit shy of replacing him too soon.

    Arghhh. Just spoke to LA friend. One of her ancient cats had to be put down Monday and her other cat has been diagnosed with a tumor in the heart and fluid on the lungs. There's no treatment and the cat isn't in any apparent discomfort, but friend will be ultra-watchful from now on.

    Meanwhile, the U.S. Supreme Court has upset The Orange Menace twice this week with rulings against his policies and procedures, which has thrilled me no end. :-)) And we also have John Bolton (not my favorite person) spilling the beans on his time in the White House, plus a book about the Trump family by his niece Mary and a second book on the Trump White House by Bob Woodward, due out in September. Then Facebook - finally! - has taken down a Trump campaign ad. Trump is planning a packed campaign rally in Tulsa Oklahoma this weekend. As one wit commented: Looks like Evolution in Action again!

    I promise: Only happy posts tomorrow!!

  • Wendyb: That's a long drive for your daughter! (My drive to Arizona is only 500 miles.) It will be nice to see her.
  • ANNETTE – MissD is a beautiful young lady. Over there it must be more pc or inclusive or whatever the word is, for her to be allowed to choose a male saint!

    HEATHER – In our state we have redback spiders that lurk in dark places, rockeries, even in our rubbish bin and traditionally under toilet seats in outdoor toilets. A nasty bite but now antivenom to treat. Then there are whitetailed spiders, bad reputation apparently not justified. Huntsmans (big, up to 15 cm leg span, hairy, black but not really dangerous - most danger when they appear from sun vizor and drivers panic. We have daddy-longlegs in our house (don’t bite, they say, but I’m not going to find out). Plenty more spiders in other states.

    The scammers are back. We are getting phone calls from Am.z.n Prime. I’ve never used it, don’t know what it is. I gave this morn’s call a dose of radio music before pressing OFF. We also get call threatening to cut off NBN (internet).

    Grand design report. Nothing happened for 2 days, then yesterday the vertical bit under gable was filled in. And still the tarpaulin flapped. Today it has disappeared and the roofing man is prancing around doing a little bit more of the roof. Query – what will finish first – the pandemic or this house!!!

    The big news for the day – I am home alone! OH has gone out to lunch. He refused to book and would not allow me to phone. Only one of his favourites is yet open, so if it is busy, he will not be in a good mood. He has not been to lunch since February and with covid-snacking his clothes are too tight.

  • I wasn’t consulted!
    About what?
    How should I know; I wasn’t consulted.

    I'm sorry, if you were right, I'd agree with you. (Robin Williams)

    Belief, as so often, was not to be shaken by inconvenient evidence (Margaret MacMillan)

  • AQ:   Must confess I was surprised about Ms. D's choice of saint, but then again she was born on St. Patrick's Day...   I've been getting robot calls on my cell phone in Chinese yet!  My LA friend has been getting them too.   I remember Bill Bryson's book on Australia where he said something to the effect that there are more things that will kill you there than anywhere else.  We have Black Widows and Brown Recluses, both of which are poisonous.  Black Widows are a bit obvious (ungainly looking with telltale messy webs) but Brown Recluses are - well - reclusive and you don't hear much about them for all their nastiness....   Hope your OH managed to enjoy a meal, if only for your sake.

  • Our crabapple glowing in the late afternoon sun. West is behind me.

  • Good Morning. Drier looking here. My day for going out for a Big Shop.
    Lovely crab apple, AQ, gorgeous colours.
    I also remember the book on Aus by Bill Bryson, Annette - he was highly amused by the relaxed attitude to the various dangers there, of which his descriptions made me laugh out loud.

    AQ - Hope your OH managed to get lunch & can repeat his outing in future.
  • OH had his lunch, socially distanced from other tables. They were not too busy. He returned just after the rain started (he hates getting wet). Very quiet here as GD workers went off for lunch and did not return.
  • Bumping us up.

    Thanks for pics and news. Glad your OH managed to get his lunch AQ.

    I have just had a (welcome) call from my hairdresser. I have an appt, for next month. I am definitely looking a bit

    Very sorry about Ozzie, Annette.
  • The other day it struck me that at least everyone is pretty much in the same boat, Rosy. We're all getting a bit wild looking. I've been quite jealous of some of the men who don't have much, or else can trim their own with clippers - our Youngest does his.

    Managed to get my shopping done, which turned out to be in between showers - when I came out of the shop, it had been throwing rain down in the car park. Was pleased to see that a letter I had written was published in the local paper this week - it was about pedestrianisation of some of the streets, which has now been forced upon us all by the social distancing needs, as some of the shops have reopened. I wrote that it was to be hoped that people would find it so much more pleasant, they would be more agreeable to the idea of it in future. There has been some opposition from folks who seem to think it's a bad idea not to have noisy fume filled cars only inches away from you on narrow pavements!