Hallo all:  Have a good week and don't forget to check the latest posts on last week's thread.

  • Pat - I can also vouch for having what's known as "White Coat Syndrome" - I even warn anyone who takes my blood pressure about it. As soon as they get the machine out, mine goes up, and once they strap that thing onto you it usually hurts as it squashes my flab at the top of my arms and I am in pain... so up it goes some more.

    The small gadget arrived today, but I've not got it out of the box yet. My blood pressure certainly went up this afternoon when my OH walked into the room and casually said "While you were reading, I got out the scissors and cut my own hair!!!"
    He had tried to trim around his ears. It looked very ratty, of course, and he had left great long bits behind his ears where everyone but he himself can see it. Didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I had previously offered to do it, so why he did it, I don't know. I then asked what he had used - turned out to be the kitchen scissors :-o
    Anyway, I got a towel and he sat on a stool and I found the real hairdressing scissors I have, and trimmed it better, plus cutting off the length at the back and some of the bulk of it all over. Now he does at least look respectable.

    Pat, I hope you get to go on your Great Escape. We are promising ourselves to go to more places now for a walk, as it seems to be relatively safe out in the open air. This afternoon, we went some miles away to a large supermarket where they had good offers on the booze - we had run out of sherry and I was down to the last inch of gin. My OH had also nearly drunk all of the whisky which we brought back from our holidays, duty free. As I had leapt upon "2 bottles of Rose wine for only ten pounds" our trolley looked very um, like a pub display. I pointed out to my OH who was groaning at the bill that he had saved that much money in the last months on my hairdressing bills, as the salon I now go to has put up the prices to eye watering amounts. The girl at the checkout laughed as he joked about the amount of bottles we had.
  • Lindybird said:
    so I don't want to follow her in that respect.

    Hi Lindy

    I was unconcerned about my High BP until a few weeks ago, was hit with a TIA ( Mini stroke), fortunately no lasting ill effects, but, was called in prontoto see Doc

    ,took all my bloods and BP was off the scale,but must say BP Tabs have brought it back to a good reasonable level, readings taken eve an morn to confirm.

    Blood results were all ok so just putting me on Thinners as well, to be sure no clots.

    Like you poor Family history, we unfortunately cannot control our Genes Grr!!

    Everyone is now telling me, " You have had a warning shot SOOOOO SLOW Down   ... How do you do that ?  CHOL:)

    Hope you and all keep well.Take care.


  • OH and I are about to try to change his profile etc and even user name to include the both of us - fingers crossed - see you on the other side!
  • Hi everyone.  Eagle-eye here.  Original Goldfinch and I now have a joint name so that folk can realise that either of us will use the one same sign-in. Bye for now from me.

  • OG this time - testing that it works for me too!

    Why couldn't we do it eighteen months ago when the site dumped me?
  • Welcome back to the pair of you :-))))
  • Lindy haha on the haircut fun..
    OH has always done his and up to know he has done mine twice.. pleased with the result but not sure it will ever replace my hairdressers skill x
  • Welcome to our new members, Original Goldfinch and Eagle-eye !!
  • SunnyKate. Thanks for your post. I'm so laid back now we're retired, I'm almost comatose compared to years ago when I had a family to run around after, a job, and a mother & mother in law to worry about. Look after yourself.

    Our grandson Matthew has just lost his first tooth, and his baby sister Rosie has just cut her first one, at age 11 months!
  • Welcome back, Original Goldfinch and Eagle-Eye!!!