LOCH ARKAIG - The Woodland Trust - June 2020

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  • MaryGK said:
    Aila doing the fish dance 

    Ha! Even if the webcam has no sound, you can always tell 'fish approaching' when they start walking backwards!!

  • Bob peep

    (c) WT Loch Arkaig

  • Fellow campanologists, I present Bob Minor, as opposed to Bob Major (above).

    (c) WT Loch Arkaig

  •  Lots of insects again:

    I think this "big" one was trying to catch the others:


    Back from a bathroom break:

    Snooze this morning.  I took this from the live cam, haven't checked if Louis's been in yet.

  • Terrible time getting into RF (did I say that already?)... The site is so slow I'm not refreshing to see if anyone has already covered what I'm posting - sorry!

    At 04:00 daily the stream cuts off and renews itself after a minute (more/less), so I don't have the start but Aila was already serving breaklfish:

    Then Louis arrived with a fine whole fish - but Aila didn't want it yet so he commenced to eat it - after waiting a respectable time:

    I'm just doing a video which will be a while so might as well post this.

  • Looks like the first of the month problem has become a second of the month problem, it has taken me 20 minutes just to get to the posting stage.    This is chronic  to say the least. 

    Fish appeared around 04.33 - but it probably has been in and out a few times 

    Aila didn't move from chicks so Louis started eating it on the nest

    Aila leaves for a fly about

    When she comes back she settles down.....   I seen a feed starting at this time


    Don't think my nerves can cope with taking over 40 minutes to make one post - so I hope everyone else has better luck than me. 

    EDIT: It looks like there has been two fish deliveries this morning, which is pretty amazing considering Louis can bring in two fish within 35 minutes of each other, faster than this RSPB website can take to make a single post.   I think you can tell how frustrated I am, and that is an understatement. 

    First delivery was at 03.56 (Louis you are my hero) I don't think I have seen a fish delivered this early before. 

    The Bobs got a good feed, lasted almost ten minutes

    That's it for me folks - will try again in a couple of hours, I think that we at least deserve an explanation for this abomnible slowing down of this website.   Or sack their IT department Smiley 

  • Well done Mary & thank you. It is a real pain, although I have got on site quite readily this morning.
    good to hear Bobs have been fed, I watched till 9.00 last night, and nothing since before tea, that I noted.

    Sorry -  Good morning everyone.

  • Morning Cathy 

    The site slowed down around 4 am according to Scylla, it then freed itself from the burden of slowness at around 06.56, so maybe you just hit it at the right time Smiley and saved your self some hair tearing out. 

  • Almost an hour ago Aila went for a fly around but my hart was in my mouth as she was gone for some minutes and the little bobs looked so vulnerable. I thought she had returned after about 4 minutes but then realized it was Louis She started eating the fish and then....sigh of relief.....Aila returned after over 7 minutes I dread to think what may have happened if there had been an opportuinistic corvid about

    Couldn't post earlier as I couldn't get on the site

    Sorry it won't let me post any of my captures

  •  *****************************

    MaryGK said:
    EDIT: It looks like there has been two fish deliveries this morning, which is pretty amazing considering Louis can bring in two fish within 35 minutes of each other, faster than this RSPB website can take to make a single post.   I think you can tell how frustrated I am, and that is an understatement. 


    It won't quote you in red, MARY ;)

    Nobody knows what we go thru ConfoundedConfusedCry

    I forgot about how I had to reboot because of a program update, so I missed dear Louis's ultra-early delivery for that reason as well as the stream reset - what a good boy!  Then when he took his second fish away after Aila had finished with it, she called and he brought it back again.

    I wish I hadn't done this video, it may be rather boring - I've upped the sound but it doesn't seem to make much difference.


    Well, one thing that cheers me immensely when I think about it, is #2's emergence yesterday in such fine fettle, amazing Two hearts

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