Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 May 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, healthy week!

  • OG - so no further dialogue ?We are all entitled to our opinions and I feel unhappy that you feel that yours have been challenged and by those who you expected would respond..... 

  • Diane- our rural areas do not have broadband even though it's always given lip service from politicians during election years. I have several friends who only get it on their smart phones sporadically.
  • OG, I don't quite see how you can't celebrate the victory all those years ago, against evil. All those who died, suffered or struggled through those six dreadful years did so, so that we could have the lives we have today. I hate violence, but those who are greedy and wicked have to be stopped. We were applauding those who went through those times, for us, and trying to share their joy that it was at last, all over.

    My mother had a brother in law who would not join the Forces at the time: he joined the Army Medical Corp instead, so that he did not have to fight his fellow man. He served on the front and saw dreadful things, which he would not talk about to anyone afterwards, even years later. My mother said that looking at his haunted face was enough to know that he had fought his own war.

    I've enjoyed hearing all the 1st hand accounts of VE Day on the TV, and being reminded of the music. The Queen made a thoughtful speech and I was touched by her saying that the streets today were not empty, they were full of our love and caring for each other.
  • A lot of our neighbours decorated their houses for today: this is just a part of our decorations, as I don't want to show the whole house or our cars outside it. I also put up two full sized Union Jacks at the front of the garden, so that they could be seen at the street next to us.

  • It rained all night, another 10 mm, more in some areas. Farmers will be happy. I am visiting Little People this afternoon. I shall wear extra layers as I don’t want to go inside and risk any hugs (though I do want them). The girls have been back at school for 2 weeks, attendance is about 84%. Some states still only allowing children of essential workers.

    Some Aussie states are easing restrictions from next Monday. Our state, with only one new case in 15 days, will allow groups of 10 outdoors. Five visitors to a house. Cafes, restaurants open but limited numbers indoors, no alcohol with outdoor dining. (so no pubs). Libraries open (yeay). Auctions, outdoor sport training, camping grounds open. Travel within state encouraged (to help economy) – our borders are still closed or you quarantine. So my friends UpOver, stay positive, your turn will come.

  • Just a thought
    There is freedom waiting for you,
    On the breezes of the sky,
    And you ask "What if I fall?"
    Oh but my darling, What if you fly? (Erin Hanson)

  • AQ:  Libraries open!  I'm so jealous.  Have just read The Girl With the Pearl Earring again and am about to start on The Right Attitude to Rain, speaking of which, I hope you guys have all the rain you need this year.  Hope the visit to the grandkiddies wasn't too frustrating what with not being able to cuddle.

    We watched the BBC Nightly News on our PBS station and saw the 75 Anniversary celebrations. I saw it as people celebrating the end of what was a really terrible time in the world's history - specifically Europe's in this case - while honoring those who didn't come home and whose sacrifice brought that war to an end.   Nothing wrong with wanting world peace, but I don't think it's possible as long as human beings run things; there are just too many greedy, power-hungry and maladjusted people around who are only out for themselves.  One rather orange example comes to mind....   

    Had an extraordinarily active day.  My friend whose husband died back before Christmas is getting ready to put her house on the market.  About 20 years ago, her husband, who carried the Boy Scout's creed of 'Be Prepared' to it's nth degree, had acquired sandbags in case there was a 200-year-flood.  There wasn't and they've been stacked in their back garden ever since. I offered to put an ad for free sandbags on our local website and a lady contacted me to say she'd like them for her horse's corral.  Friend and I arranged for her to go over to my friend's house this morning when the gardener was there so we could all load them into her car.  Easy peasy.  I arrive just as gardener calls to say he's hurt his back and wasn't coming; then lady texted to say she didn't have a truck and could the gardener deliver them (she'd pay him).  Not an option.  Friend has wanted them out of her yard forever so I offered to help load them and then drive them over to the horse lady's house where lady and I could unload them.  An hour and many glasses of cold water later, I waved bye-bye to friend (who was expecting son and DiL to come by with groceries) and drove off with SUV packed with 30+ sandbags (some of which had split and had to be put in larger bags).  Got to ranch where lady is waiting and am greeted with "Oh. I thought they were the really big ones."   Clearly not what she expected but she was gracious enough to offer to pay me and friend (offer declined) but then we had to unload all of them into her horse's corral.  Phew. Came home, had lunch and then had to take the vacuum cleaner to the back of the car to get rid of all that spilled sand.  A thoroughly dirty and exhausting job, but now done.  Thank heaven friend has hired a gardener to do the rest of the work in the garden.

    Anyway, it was pizza for dinner with several glasses of nice chilled white wine.  Now I'm going to have some ice cream.  Back to normal routine (whatever that is) tomorrow.  Am expecting to sleep well tonight.

    Take care everyone.

  • This afternoon I visited the Little People & their parents. Chilly day but I had layered up. Dau set up a chair outside for me and a row of chairs inside the window for them. An art display (rainbow, wolf & fox drawings) on the door. 3 mothers day cards made by the Trio and 2 wee cakes from Murattis from Dau were on a small table. From inside, the twins each read one of their school readers. They chattered about what they had done and seen. They remembered going to the zoo in happier times & discussed their favourite animals. When they went off to play, it was a chance for Dau & s-i-l to chat. At the end I wrapped my arms around myself for their hugs & blew each a kiss. I feel a little weepy.
  • AQ - Sending cyberhugs to you x Our families are so precious and so missed during this terrible time.
  • @Aquilareen
    Awh!!your post re visiting little ones, brought a lump and tear, wonderful for you.Face time is a bonus in these dreadful times,but not the same as the physical contact,so pleased to read .Thank you

    Also do keep posting your lovely "Thoughts for the day "they are appreciated.

    Keep Well everyone