Poole Harbour Osprey Project MAY to end of 2020 season

/JULYLast month's thread.

ALL PICTURES AND VIDEOS: ©PooleHarbourOspreyProject

Beautiful female, Rutland's CJ7:

The hoped-for partner for CJ7, local male LS7, has not yet appeared.  CJ has been tending the nest daily and yesterday she took everyone by surprise, producing an egg - which took us by surprise by surviving... until midnight at least ;)

  • Bad weather is it ......... mmmmmmm

    Heather still doing a remarkable job on the cam

    Oh dear oh dear wrong thread.  Worse, it won't let me delete it     Disappointed

  • I was so lucky today spending the entire day working outside fitting new A/C units. Although it wasn't heavy rain it was just relentless heavy drizzle, which soaks through eventually.
    Looking at the weather this weekend I won't be venturing far from home.

    Richard B

  • If you click on "More" at the bottom of your post it should give you the option to edit or delete it.

    Richard B

  • Yes, thank you Richard. I did that several times. Eventually when I was elsewhere it obeyed my command :)
  • 02 November

    After an entertainingly rainy night the day has had sunny spells.  Only corvids seen and the only glossy ones were not well placed - so here are 2 dull ones as evidence that I'm still checking thru - but only corvids have visited for days.

  • All the smaller birds will be hiding from the elements in the most sheltered places they can find, if they have any sense.

    Richard B

  • Lovely pic Scylla, i'll have that one in my study. Thank you .
  • Unknown said:
    i'll have that one in my study

    It makes me happy to think I'll have left something to posterity Yum 

    04 November

    The corvids have been visiting daily, but nothing seen of note until yesterday in the sunshine when the shadow of one on the campost was on the nest - but it wouldn't show up well in a snap.

    Towards dawn this morning I was quite alarmed to see the tuft of grass sink down on the nest and to be unable to see a cause - but when the sun came up it was obviously frost!

    It didn't put the deer off - they'd already been and gone when this mini-stampede occurred (one straggler to wait for):

    A bit later some came back from "the north" and walked "southwest" out of the picture.

    And here's a corvid shadow, improved version kindly provided after the one I already told you about:

    I went to check the cam and saw on Chat that BIRDSONG reported "squeaks" 10 seconds apart at the time of the stampede - I couldn't find them until I tripled the volume and reduced the background noise, and even then I'm amazed she heard them.

  • Scylla, it was quite a shock to go out this morning and be faced with a white blanket everywhere, with hard ice on the windscreen. I think it dropped to about -3 C, pretty chilly for a first frost.

    Richard B

  • Unknown said:
    hard ice on the windscreen

    My friend in NW London said his windscreen was frosted up this morning - not bad enough to call it ice, tho.

    Naturally I've forgotten to keep checking the cam and have only just noticed it's back up - been up since just before 16:00, as far as I can see.  Some chatters are reporting "person activity" but I can't see anything in rollback.