Link to April thread
Thank You Scylla for caps and video. Poor Aila it must be scary sitting in the dark being hit by something like that owl. It shows how vulnerable she and the eggs are, it will be a relief to see 3 chicks here all fledging, its what we all expect when we see eggs being laid, but as we all know sometimes it doesn't go to plan. So my heart is always in my mouth when I see these videos of Aila being disturbed.
I scrolled back, and found her flat out sleeping which is good to see that she wasn't that spooked that it stopped her getting some shut eye.
She decided to go for a fly around
Louis paid her a visit, checking to see what kind of fish she wanted for breakfast maybe!
She has been nodding on and off, ah well those youngsters need a lot of sleep
She is still waiting on breakfish!
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Thank you for the run-thru of the morning, MARY :)
I can only add Aila looking askance at Louis while he crop-dropped, I can't get a more dramatic shot because his head kept blurring:
Nice fish for Aila but I haven't had a complete view of it due to bein' on the phone :)
EDITING in fish:
12.08, nice headless fish from Louis. Aila follows my advice and takes it off the nest in her talons! Ian
scylla said:Aila has arrived with some leftover fish for Louis, aww :-*
It didn't look to me that she has eaten very much of the fish. 15.03, Aila flies off but Louis arrives within a few seconds. Ian
Aila is gently cheeping, does she see Louis with another fish! or maybe the same one.