Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 April 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Stay safe and healthy, all! 

Here's a fun new tool that NASA developed to amuse folks. If you put in the day and month of your birthday, NASA will show you what the Hubble Space Telescope discovered on your day!

  • I escaped this morning and did some shopping. I was there just after 9am, the golden oldies hour!
    All very quiet, more staff than customers.

    I hope that DIANE manages to get a connection in her town and manages to sort out the problems with her mobile phone.
    ANNETTE - I was happy to read that you had seen a couple of whales the other day. I can imagine that as you said, it made your day!
    LINDY - I plan to do an online order from our local garden centre but it is still a tad early for us up here to be putting out bedding plants etc.
    OG - I hope that you get your extra DLA - but am concerned that EE has so much to do if he is caregiver at night as well as day and all the other chores. He really is a gem x

    Regards to everyone here. HARELADY, PAT, ROSY,LYNETTE,WENDY, AQ and all - thank you for your news.
  • Glad you enjoyed your outing, Heather. I never thought I'd be excited at the prospect of going food shopping!

    Spoke to my sis in law Sue this morning and what she told me had me crying with laughter!!! She has had an amusing incident, which I'll come on here to relate, later. Time for lunch..
  • Heather, I also escaped to do some shopping. Golden oldies here is 8-9am. I was grateful that our local branch chose to open normal Monday hours, instead of Bank holiday ones. The choice is limited in my nearest shop, but I am thankful that I can get to it easily.

    A quote following the comments about clothes: ' I am so excited, it is time to put the rubbish out. What shall I wear?'

    Thank you for the lovely flower pics, Lindy. And to everyone else for news.
  • Morning all:  

    Rosy: I remember when I started freelancing at home after my employer moved their main office to D.C., I was talking to another former colleague who was doing the same and we laughed that the mailman and UPS drivers had suddenly become an important part of our social lives.

    Lindybird: That little girl is like a china doll.  :-)

    Heather:  Hope you got all you needed.  There's an excellent chance I'll go see whales again today - it's brilliantly sunny in spite of the forecast.

    Take care everyone.

  • Way too early for bedding plants HEATHER. We usually wait till end of May/early June. Glad you got out to the shops this morning. We did too, and the only things we couldn't get were SRF and sun dried tomatoes, so can't complain.
  • I phoned my Godmother yesterday. She remembered a conversation with my Mum many years ago. It was about phoning friends and family and they decided it would be wonderful if you could actually see the people they were talking too!!! They laughed as they didn't think it would be possible. She was a little apprehensive as she was going to have a family skype later in the day with all her 4 children who live in Thurso, Glasgow and Amsterdam. Think her Grand daughter was setting it up for her as she lives in a family apartment next door.
  • dibnlib: Hope your Godmother was suitably thrilled with Skype and that it went well. What is SRF?
  • I think she means Self Raising Flour, Annette - you may call it something else there. It's been one of the shortages but I read that the supply problem is not so much that there isn't any flour at the mills, but that it's because their equipment is geared up to bagging it up in giant amounts for use in the food industry, rather than the small bags for domestic use - their packing lines are working at full capacity to catch up with unusual demand.

  • I fell asleep again, but then had a nice phone call from our Youngest with a very vocal little Rosie on his knee -- that child will grow up into a strong member of the feminist movement, I'm sure!! ;-) She's already bossing her big brothers around and she hasn't learnt English yet!

    We cleaned all the flooring the house, between us - my OH quite likes wielding the Hoover. Now I'm wondering if I can get any ironing done before we begin our dinner of cold turkey with hot vegetables.
  • Lindybird: Thanks re SRF. I think we call it all-purpose flour here - but a baker I'm not. :-) Rosie is a girl after my own heart!