Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 March 2020


I hope everyone has a good week and keeps healthy. I'm hoping that everyone on this forum will avoid the virus. Sending you all protective energy. 


The big Barred Owls are nesting at the bottom of the ridge right across from my front door. Every time I go outdoors, one of them gives me a booming hoot. Last year, they nested in a tall, old locust tree on the levee by the creek. We had so much flooding that the nest site turned out to be a precarious perch. I think they remembered it was a dangerous location, so this year they’re nesting low in a tree across from me. They are incredibly loud. Their call sounds like, “Whoo cooks for you? Whoo cooks for you?” They can also caterwaul just like large apes when they're feeling aggressive. They can chill my blood sometimes. LOL!

I walked up the hill to town last week to get a couple of meal items at the little general store. I looked up, and R.T. Hawk was flying above me. He landed on a tall silo and watched while I went into the store. Then, he escorted me back. I think he thought he was protecting me from the big Barred Owls, which are his enemies. I hope they can all stay away from each other. R.T. and his mate are nesting far back in the flood plain away from my house right now.

  • A day of sunshine and showers. Daisy being lazy at present so it was one walk with Duke. I did sin as I saw the number of non locals and second homeowners descending on the Speyside way. In many parts it’s not 2 metres wide so we took a car ride 2 miles up the road to the deserted golf course.
    I won the weekly lottery that I have with Asda as only one no show ( bin liners ) and one replacement which was acceptable .
    Used to love my mums liver bacon mash onions and thick gravy....
  • dibnlib said:
    LINDY, bet your brother is not as errant as mine....funnily enough it involves money matters as well.

    Mine doesn't communicate for two years at a time, Dibnlib, then comes on in an email regarding his money matters left here in the UK, when he emigrated let's see...  2 years before we got married, nearly 47 years ago.

    No congrats on new grandchildren, or our birthdays. No photos from his end - he has a grandchild himself now but I only got one pic when he was born.

  • BJANE - belated thoughts for yesterday! So sorry about your Daughter's situation, and tough for you. Good of your Son and wife to bring supper. Do take care - will be thinking of you.
  • No we can't survive another 4 years of The Orange Peril.  

    bjane:  Happy Belated Birthday!  As you know, Bernie won the majority in California, but he doesn't have the delegates to beat Biden and I don't know why he still has not withdrawn (apart from terminal stubborness)  Maybe all these old men are wondering if one or more will succumb to the virus...   Given the turnout in recent races, I think Biden stands a good chance.  Of course, our Clueless Leader's ratings have risen since the virus, but I heard that that's normal in times of crisis; however, his haven't risen anywhere near as much as anyone else's did under similar circumstances (think Bush after 9/11).   Hope you're coping okay with your daughter at home; when will the carer be available again (assuming all okay)?

    OG: Good about J's transfer, but maybe not so good about your John Lewis' trips.

    Lindybird:  Interesting about your bro.   My cousin (now deceased) went there decades ago and the same thing happened with his sisters, etc..

    Harelady:  Good luck with the job and/or government benefit.  The unemployment rate here is growing as I type.

  • Here are pix from yesterday's outing:

    Native California poppies with the hills behind town.

    Wild mustard (I think) with other pink wildflowers..

  • Bjane - a Happy Belated Birthday from me, too. Sorry, I was thinking it but not writing it as I was too busy wallowing in my sadness over my bro.

    Heard from some relatives that they've had a go at sweeping their own chimney - "And we're still talking!!"
  • Belated Happy Birthday wishes to OG & JANE.

    Some small companies are diversifying. One that made womens clothes has turned to scrubs for hospitals. One in our city has changed from fast food packaging to making millions of face masks.

    I found a clown & a knitted duck in toy box to place in our front window instead of the suggested teddy to show support for medicos.

    Lots of chatter & noise from the Grand Design over back fence. We can see a pillar of pale bricks. It does keep OH amused / enthralled / or something!

    Back later with food shopping report. Yes, I know, over 70s are supposed to stay home, but I need next batch of eye drops from chemist. Also all 3 refund cheques for cancelled trips have arrived and need to be banked.

  • The important question is how long you should go without exercise before eating. (muppet Miss Piggy)

     A toddler was found chewing on a slug. After the initial surge of disgust the parent said, "Well, what does it taste like?" "Worms," was the reply.

     It's a bad idea to weave in traffic. You can also forget about knitting. (Anon)