Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 March 2020


I hope everyone has a good and healthy week. I'm sending you all protective energy. 

The beautiful white pelicans have arrived on my local lake. They're making their migration journey back north to Canada to nest. For the last few years, they've been stopping at both of my local lakes to rest. Everyone loves them. 

  • ANNETTE - thanks for reminder - I will email George. I hope he has some kind folk around, especially after all the help he gave to others over the years. I also hope we shall hear from Linda soon, but I assume that even when they get home she will have to stay indoors for a week or two - good thing she stocked her pantry before she went!

    Today has become less hectic with the church communication sorted. Gardening will start in earnest tomorrow, with some attention to the front grass - usual first neighbour was mowing yesterday, my usual indication that OH should get going! I shall be on hand with advice, of course!
  • Annette sleep did not happen and Daisy was delighted to have brekkie at 6am... it has been a long day. Xrays inconclusive and sent to specialist in bones. Two scenarios one which is so much better than the other.
    Aloof eldest informed me she is only in her office 1 day in 4 . Small team big company but at least they can avoid each other . Her OH is also working from home so not sure how much will get done.
    Youngest picked up lush new car... but still stressed about her students .
    OG no chance of any gardening as we are still having clear skies and frost .
  • WENDY - I hope Daisy's problem is the simpler scenario! We are only having mild frosts and can consider a high cut on the mower - just to take the tips off. But I think there has to be some handcutting or maybe strimming first.
  • OG it’s either a simple infection or a bone cancer. Puts all the worlds problems into perspective . Heavy duty ABs specific to bone and paracetamol . Not told youngest as she is stressed out enough as it is.
  • Email yesterday that our 9-day bus trip to country NSW cancelled. I doubt that next weekend’s 2-day silo art trip will go ahead as the latest rules for gatherings of <100 declare each person must have 4 square metres around. Rather difficult on a bus. Sports cancelled or played to empty stadiums as >500 banned outdoors. Indoors, for pubs, restaurants, etc >100 banned. Unlike UK we can still go out to eat and not grounded like ANNETTE (yet).
  • WendyB; Fingers crossed the antibiotics take care of Daisy's leg.

    AQ: Oh dear - another in a very long list of global adjustments big and small.  Is your chauffeur friend still available for outings?

    Take care all.

  • Harelady: I hope your job continues and you will still be able to work full-time. I agree with your assessment of Trump.

  • Pat: Thank you for the MSN link. Not surprising. Sigh...

  • bjane: Nice to see you. Thanks for the recommendation for the "Dirty Money" episode. Our government is deeply mired in corruption and depravity.

  • ANNETTE – Chauffeur Friend has health problems. We are not even risking a coffee outing.

    DIANE – I hope you have enough supplies squirreled away.

    After lunch I convinced OH to join me as I went out on a mini photo expedition to capture 2 church halls & a cairn to a demolished church. The first time he has been outside our house & garden for 2 weeks.

    Progress on Grand Design. Windows being installed; working on a Sat! No roof or walls yet.