Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 March 2020


I hope everyone has a good and healthy week. I'm sending you all protective energy. 

The beautiful white pelicans have arrived on my local lake. They're making their migration journey back north to Canada to nest. For the last few years, they've been stopping at both of my local lakes to rest. Everyone loves them. 

  • HeatherB - At least you have heard from them. I suppose its a case of sit tight until further notice.

    Dau informed me tonight that the Parish church she goes to in a neighboring village has suspended services until further notice. Still waiting to hear about the church I attend - local Baptist church in Moulton. The Diaconate were meeting tonight so I expect a decision will be then. We had already decided to suspend our Women's meeting as a lot are elderly.
    Not sure about the funeral yet on Friday, still hope to go but will wait and see what SIL advises after visiting the funeral directors tomorrow. According to our holiday operator the holiday is still on but I somehow suspect it will be called off as its a coach holiday staying at a hotel - meaning close proximity to people.

    OG - sorry to hear about J's thyroxin being increased but hope they can get everything under control. As for your appointment better for it to be called off as you don't want to risk infection.

    Managed to get up to 3 weeks orders online, whether everything comes I'll have to wait and see. Still can't order for Easter Saturday, we don't come back until Good Friday that's if its on.

    Stay safe and well, all.
  • AQ:  Oh those city people!    One of our grocery stores (one that I frequent) has just announced special oldies hours - 7-8 a.m. each morning.  I went to Trader Joe's (favorite California-based cheaper-but-nice-and-relaxed store) this morning; they were adhering to state Governor's no-more-than-50-people in one place' rule (although I'm not sure they had to).  Regardless, there was a fast-moving line and lots of fresh produce, dairy, etc.) but only two of anything per person - and so nice to shop in a quiet store!  They did have a note in the toiletry dept. that there were small bottles of hand sanitizer at the manager's booth - just one of those per person, so that was nice.  Then I went to Albertsons (regular supermarket), which was fairly crowded, but still lots of fresh stuff but not much in the way of frozen veggies.  Also none of our favorite pizza - calamity!  Lots of wine.  :-)  

    OG:  Whatever it was at school, glad it got sorted.  Are you noticing a difference with J's increased meds?

    Diane: How are you doing in your neck of the woods?

    Our rain has stopped and it was brilliant and sunny today so I spent a few hours tidying up in the garden and looking to see what's next to be done out there.  

  • Food shop was CRAZY. For a start the car park was full at 9.15 am and it is not opening early for elderlies as far as I know. Hardly any trolleys - they were all cluttering the aisles with people I have never seen before. Very little meat, no frozen veg except half a dozen frozen onion packs. Alas I'll need frozen peas soon! I did not bother with the toilet roll/tissue aisles. A good memory test as I left my list home. I did not forget anything important. Long queues at all checkouts. Everyone grumpy. I collected some moth balls and provoked a stir. What’s that she’s got that I haven’t LOL.
  • AQ:  Very sorry to hear about the shopping hassle.   Some of our markets have shortened their hours to allow for restocking/sanitizing (including Trader Joe's and Gelsons, the latter is the one with early oldies' hours).  Maybe something to suggest?  Call the local government about?   Meanwhile, seems like in our (and other areas) there's going to be prohibition against evictions of tenants/business owners unable to pay rent due to closures and also looks like anything other than essential businesses are going to shut down for the near future at least......

  • Heard a radio news item this morning saying that Tesco stores that are usually open 24 hours are closing overnight to allow for shelf filling and cleaning. And there is an hour (can't remember when!) reserved for 'older' shoppers. Older than what, I ask myself? Also heard that US PGA golf tournament has been postponed until September, the French Open tennis ditto - but they are still saying the Olympics will happen on schedule. Somehow I don't think that will happen … most of the competitors would stay away, and I wouldn't imagine many spectators would turn up. Wait and see …

    Someone wrote to me last night and said I needed to have at least one project for this time of enforced idleness. I have so many projects in my head - perhaps it's time to move them from my head into my hands!
  • PAT - does cleaning my oven count as a project?
  • Our Prime Minister today: Stop hoarding. I can't be more blunt about it. Stop it. It is not sensible, it is not helpful. Is anyone listening, no, they’re too busy grabbing what they can.

    PAT – I have so many projects, but I wanna go out when & where I please!

  • HEATHER – Cleaning oven? I thought PAT meant “nice” projects.

  • Well, AQ is right, Heather. I had meant enjoyable projects. But imagine how good you would feel after cleaning the oven!!! And it only needs to be done once. Well, until the next time, of course. I have in mind things like finishing off those craft projects I have started … or sorting through my piano music and recycling probably about three quarters of it … or redesigning the very complicated cover of something I have to produce four times a year … (actually, that one is a bit of a chore, but really needs to be done)

    I so agree with you, AQ. I want to go out freely and without wondering whether it's 'necessary' or pure enjoyment. The National Trust has said they are closing most of their houses, but gardens, moorland and coastal areas will be kept open - with FREE entry! That is a definite gold star to them. They are places we can walk, enjoy nature and the environment, and be able to keep our distance from other people.
  • My brother has got cabin fever. French government have issued an edict that means they can only go out for food, medicine. They have to download a form declaring where they are going and why and the gendarmes are out in force checking cars etc. The gendarmes are very fierce looking with their sidearms, more like soldiers than your local friendly bobby....