Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 March 2020


I hope everyone has a good and healthy week. I'm sending you all protective energy. 

The beautiful white pelicans have arrived on my local lake. They're making their migration journey back north to Canada to nest. For the last few years, they've been stopping at both of my local lakes to rest. Everyone loves them. 

  • AQ - interested to see that everyone has to enter your local hospital by one main door, presumably in close proximity! I have an appointment at orthopaedic clinic next Tuesday and was thinking of good points such as department has its own door away from main entrance - and less good - it is right next to A&E and shares toilets with that waiting room! I seriously wonder whether isolating and avoiding interaction means I should not attend! We are promised individual information for people with suppressed immunity, but looks as if I won't get that in time to cancel my appointment!

    OH has gone shopping this morning because weather is better than afternoon forecast - and there may be less items missing from the shelves!

    J is wondering how long schools will stay open because the pupils are very anxious and might easily vote with their feet if a decision is not soon reached. There is very little work able to happen as the pupils can't settle to lessons.

    A new coffee shop/bistro opened in town yesterday - I feel so sorry for the owner who has put a lot of money and time into the venture, but will not get the expected footfall. I hope the business will not fail, she has worked hard to make it fully accessible, which other businesses have failed to consider.
  • Have just had a phone text message from LINDY-,
    They are both fine, no virus on their island yet but no bars or restaurants open.Not allowed out except for medicine or food shopping. They are sitting in the sun and waiting to hear when there is a plane for them to go home.

  • Thanks, HEATHER. Good to know they are well and had no known contact with the virus.
  • Heather, thank you for letting us know. I'm sure we have all been concerned that Lindy and her OH are away, particularly as he was not well before they went. Sounds as though they are at least getting some sunshine. Hopefully they will be able to enjoy their time, and return home safely.

    Our Methodist Circuit has now said all Sunday services and meetings, and lettings in church buildings, are suspended until further notice. Our neighbouring Circuit is leaving the decision to individual churches. My indoor bowls club has closed for the season and the outside club is not opening until at least the beginning of May. Our church magazine will not be printed, but will be available online. Of course it will contain all sorts of information about forthcoming events - Easter, five-year celebrations for our new church, VE Day celebrations - none of which will happen, presumably. That will save me more than four hours' printing time - but will mean the magazine will not be available to about a third of the congregation who do not use computers. Life is certainly going to be different.
  • Thank you for news of Lindy and her OH, HEATHER.

    Our friend's Golden wedding event on Friday has now been postponed. We are all relieved, as none of us wanted to tell them we did not feel happy to go.

    I tried Waitrose again this morning. The partners replenishing the shelves looked rather weary. Apparently. there was a crowd of people waiting for the shop to open at 7.45 and a stampede for the loo rolls.. They said there was no need for this.
    The stock was no better than yesterday, when I arrived somewhat later. Still no bread mix which I use regularly.

    AQ; What a great idea for supermarkets to open early for the elderly (of which most of us count ourselves now). I would certainly not object to getting up early for an offer like that. My friend met a Frenchman this morning at the checkout, and he told her to keep six feet away from him.
    I also read an article about stocking up on guns and ammunition.
  • AQ:  Oh don't get me started on people stocking up on guns and ammo.  The good news is that our cable provider is upping internet speeds in anticipation of people working from home.  I assume, cynically, that at some point they'll increase the cost.

    Heather: Thanks for the update on Lindybird - not a bad place to be quarantined!

    OG: They had a story on the news last night about a local restaurant that had only just opened.  Gosh what bad luck for these people.  I really hope this thing runs its course soon for all those reasons....  

    I"m going to venture out for some non-essentials (wine, salsa, distilled water - for the humidifier and steam iron).  Will be interesting....

  • At least one of those is essential Annette (of course I mean the water for the steam iron!)
  • Had a delivered roast lamb this evening for OH's birthday - much better than the pork - all good except for "Roast" potatoes which seemed to have been boiled and coloured - they were hard. J suggested they were probably waxy (salad) potatoes rather than the fluffy ones we wold use.

    There was an incident at work today and J came home early; can't go into details, but he is okay and the outcome was satisfactory. Day off tomorrow, but he won't go out as planned.  BTW, have I mentioned his Thyroxin has been increased again after the test last week?

    Also, my orthopaedic  consultation has been cancelled - new date to be arranged when they can.  Relieved about that.

  • OG  - This hospital is a small suburban one, not many people coming & going. The major hospitals have set up special corona clinics separate from the emergency depts.

    HEATHER  - Thank you for news of Linda & her OH. At least they can relax in sunshine. I hope there is a plane for them. Today’s news was advising Aussies overseas to fly home while they can. It sounds as if our borders may close sometime.

    The early morn supermarket shop for elderlies had teething problems. Some stores would not admit carers. Most stores had not restocked shelves overnight. A second chain is opening early today and I hope managers have learned a lesson. Meanwhile city people are selfishly visiting country stores to raid the shelves. I have my regular weekly shop today, with not a lot on the list.