Here's hoping Clarach comes back safely from migration and has a more successful year. Here's the link to the last post of last year's thread. She's 'due' back on 10 April.
Here's a bit of her history at this nest.
2017, first breeding season. Clarach arrived 19 April 2017, and mated with unknown male, laying 3 eggs 4th, 7th and 10th May. The third chick hatched/died 15th June, the other two on 12th and 13th June. Male LHO took his first flight 4th August, Male LH1 9th August. Clarach departed 1st September, LHO 3rd, LH1 12th September.
Clarach came back in 2018 but sadly lost her eggs to ravens. In 2019, she returned on 10 April, and partnered first with White CL, a 2008 bird hatched at Loch Lomond. He disappeared and was replaced by an unringed male on 3 May, and Clarach was seen to be incubating by 6 May (who was the daddy...?!). But she'd abandoned the nest by the end of May and Dyfi posted that her eggs had been predated. It was difficult to keep up with the nest as the webcam failed but FLS posted updates on their Facebook page.
Fingers crossed for this year, for both Clarach and the webcam.
Well Aberfoyle is back on today , so perhaps testing done and its all go
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
Kind regards, Ann
You're welcome
You can also watch it here, a smaller screen though, and with additional information and a chat platform underneath
Unknown said:Thanks, Sandra, That is the link I was using. Is there another better one, please?
Scuse me butting in... ;)
This is the link that VALERIE kindly posted, it's full screen, I don't know of another. (It may or may not be "up" when you try it.)
I can't find any way of downloading it :(