Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 March 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy week, and I hope you all have a lovely March. Roll on spring!!!

Here's a photo of some Northern Cardinals in this past week's Indiana snow storm.  HERE  I have several pairs of these on my patch. 

  • Good Morning. Grey and misty here, again.

    Hope that Heather and family enjoy the birthday party today.

    Lynette, we get very pleasant weather in the Canaries, which is why a lot of people go. We wear our shorts for the whole time, and only need to put a jacket on in the evenings. We take very light rain jackets, but have only actually put these on twice during all these years: it's so dry there that some people don't take jackets at all.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.
  • Using a lunch break before the kitchen work starts!.
    OG - at least you'll have meals in the freezer if over sixties are told not to leave the house... To me in my mid seventies, sixty seems just middle aged.
  • Heather - Surely still in your prime at 60?!?!?
  • I think that I was, if only I could remember !
  • Morning all: First bird I saw on the fountain this morning was a brilliant orange and black Oriole. Spring is coming (and we put our clocks forward tonight).
  • Sounds like a cheerful bird to see  Annette. :-)

    It's been dry here but cloudy - we've not done much.

    Here is something else cheerful:

    In the garden - they're only a few inches high.

    And my white magnolia which is in a large pot, is beginning to open:

  • Heather and OG - and to me in my mid eighties, seventy seems middle-aged and sixty seems very young!
  • HEATHER - "they" keep talking about elderly and people with impaired immunity, and I fall into both categories (72 this month!), but I really don't feel I need to self-isolate yet! It is reassuring to have meals in the freezer, for any kind of emergency,

    ANNETTE - our clocks change the final Sunday in March - in practical terms that means most people move them on the Saturday night. Lovely bird to see on the fountain - I hope the elephants left space for it - LOL!

    LINDA - lovely Daffs - there is something special about them.

    JANE - you are a really hardy perennial - I don't suppose any virus would have a chance against you!

    It was warm on the thermometer, but there was a chill wind today, and some nasty drizzle at times. Another garden centre, for seeds, and another lunch! We also called in at the ice cream farm which started weekend opening today - will start full time at the end of March. We didn't have anything there - I stayed in the car while OH bought some of their "original" to bring home.. J changed his mind about a trip to Carlisle by train, and stayed at home with his ironing! He is still a bit quiet, but seems okay, and has said he will go to church with us tomorrow.