Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 March 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy week, and I hope you all have a lovely March. Roll on spring!!!

Here's a photo of some Northern Cardinals in this past week's Indiana snow storm.  HERE  I have several pairs of these on my patch. 

  • OG - it was youngest daughter's 40th yesterday, so celebrating tomorrow. Just family.
  • OG - it was youngest daughter's 40th yesterday, so celebrating tomorrow. Just family.
  • Sorry, don't know what happened there!
    OG - did your food delivery arrive? I hope that J is feeling better.
  • HEATHER - wow - never seen that many repeats before! I hope you will all enjoy the party tomorrow. The Wiltshire delivery did arrive - haven't tried any yet, but they look good - and the driver was as pleasant as they describe in the adverts! J seems okay now - a bit quiet but says the headache has gone. Dau#2 phoned - not for any particular reason, but we managed to talk for 25 minutes - she did tell me the deer have eaten all her yellow Crocuses, but of course they don't touch the Daffodils.
  • OG - A friend of mine uses Wiltshire Farm Foods all the time. She never cooks, or has fresh food. She seems quite healthy …. Hope you enjoy them. Glad J is feeling better. Migraine is so debilitating.
  • HEATHER – I’ve seen those Auslan translations during bushfire & virus announcements. They must be really clever to prune all the waffle that pollies say.

    OG – Hope you are feeling better. Could J’s migraine be a reaction after all his recent procedures. A sort-of the body letting go. I have not seen toilet paper in paper, ours comes wrapped in plastic. Soft plastic which I collect & deposit every few months in Coles or WW’s collection bins. Since they are not my regular supermarket, it is a bit of a nuisance but worthwhile.

    Dau#1 & her OH are coming this pm to share their travel photos. We still have not found OH’s. I hope the culling will continue on over coming weeks (months?). We now have enough culled paper for 2 recycling bins which are only collected fortnightly.

  • AQ - are they allowed to have a window overlooking a neighbour, is that not against building regs.

    Lindybird - Yes, I remember now , its the Canary Islands you go too, mind you 26 years is a long time but at least you get some sunshine and slighly warmer temperatures for the duration.

    OG - glad you have had a better day.

    Annette - Our drive isn't that long to SIL's, just over an hour on a good run up the motorway, slightly longer if we hit a problem.

    The weather over in Australia seems to have gone a bit extreme, especially on the Eastern side with torrential rain - particularly raining off the Ladies cricket match between England and India. India go through on superior results.

    HeatherB - hope you enjoy daugh's birthday celebrations.
  • OG - do hope J is feeling a lot better, not very nice migraines, my mum use to suffer from them.

    Must look at Wiltshire farm foods sounds interesting.

    AQ - yes all our toilet paper is wrapped in paper, maybe other items will be before long instead of plastic.

    Enjoy the weekend folks whatever comes your way.
  • Well done on the paper culling AQ! It's still ongoing, here.

    Glad that J is feeling better, OG.

    Have had a mixed day -- good news and bad. Found that not only was my hairdresser not available today, but she may not be returning! A blow, as she cut my hair the way I like it. She is not young, and they think in the salon, that following her recent ill health, she might just throw in the towel and retire early. The girl who cut it today is competent, but it does not have the "extra" which I need. I do think that your hair can make you look different, may I say, possibly younger if a good cut is used to make the best of what's left!! LOL!

    This afternoon, my old Friend Gs husband came around to give me her legacy of a picture which I had always admired - a line drawing in pen and ink, of a cat. It's almost a year since we lost G, so why its taken so long I can't fathom, but apparently there were problems with the execution of her Will. He had told me within a week or so of her death that she had left me something. Never mind, I shall always treasure it.

    We are both feeling a little better each day, after a rotten bout of a "head cold' I'm hoping that my OHs cough will stop when we get to warmer climes.

    My Eldest posted us a good pic of our granddaughter Amber resplendent in her Goldilocks outfit for World Book Day. She looks thrilled, and as she is still only five, gives a good impression of being about twelve years old! Goodness knows what she'll look like when she is actually 12! We are hoping to welcome her for a few days here at Easter, as we've not seen them since just before Christmas.

  • Evening all:    Our toilet paper comes in plastic (which I collect in a larger plastic bag to take to the Dump-Your-Non-recyclable-Plastic Here place).  And if you get those jumbo packs, it's doubled packed in plastic.  :-(

    OG: My Mom used to get ghastly migraines that left her feeling dragged out for days...  hope J is over his quickly.

    Lindybird:  Bummer about  your hairdresser's possible retirement - my former one disappeared (went back to Idaho) when her marriage broke up.  Her replacement knows what she's doing but she tends to chat a lot.  How nice to receive that bequest from G, especially as you'd admired it.  Glad you and OH are doing better...

    Lynette: Do you guys have a code that forbids being overlooked by a neighbor's windows?   We don't, but a family that submitted plans for a new two-story house that would do just that (it was being built in an area of one-story houses) met such a lot of resistance from neighbors that they ended up doing away with the second one.  

    AQ:  Hope the picture meet-up was fun - don't stop culling now!

    A quiet weekend ahead I think.  Just two plants (red salvia gregii) to plant to replace some old and very woody ones, and I really have to clean up the worktop in the garage: it's cluttered with paint supplies, bits and pieces of irrigation, gardening tools, etc....  Oh, and feed the roses before next week's storm.

    Take care all
