WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) Sunday, February 23, 2020

Happy New Week all.  

Back from busy day; friend's 'celebration' of her husband's life was lovely  - she's a whizz with cameras, videos, etc, etc., and compiled a lovely video program that captured his life, interests, family, etc..   Lots of people turned out for a much-loved person.   Two other friends and I were in charge of the lunch for the family after a memorial rock (from the part of the Sierras where he hiked every year for 70 straight years!!) was placed in the church's garden.  The church group took over the post-service reception food.  I'm not only tired but stuffed to the gills!

Lindybird:  Interesting that our camellias are out tool love the daffs though - that's Springtime!

Hope all who have/are getting colds, etc., recover quickly.

Have a good Sunday!

  • aquilareen said:

    LINDA - You wrote " Found I had packed one case with lots of stuff in readiness". I just assumed that one was full of shoes LOL

    LOL!  LOL! LOL! LOL!!

  • Unknown said:
    I feel less freaked out by Amazon than Facebook. I can't stand Mark Zuckerberg.

    He is creepy, isn't he?

  • Linda's Packing Tips

    I'll bore you with a few ideas I've picked up along the way:

    Hand Luggage - These days, you have to dig out anything electrical at the UK end of flying, so put all your bits & bobs, MP3s, cameras etc into one large plastic bag so this can be produced when you go through security. Take off your watch and put it into your hand baggage, then you can put it on again after you've gone through. My OH nearly always gets stopped and it's often his watch or his belt which is the culprit.

    Have a separate bag also inside your hand luggage for things Needed on The Plane - more about that later.

    Before you leave, photograph the important page inside your passport, the one with your photo and d.o.b., plus the Passport Number. Put it in a different bag to where you're going to carry your actual passport, as its in case you lose it, or its stolen, during your travels. It's much easier to apply for a replacement if you can produce all these details. I copy mine on our printer.

    In your hand luggage, put a pair of knickers or pants, and a comb. I have a mini toothbrush, too. This seems excessive, but once we were delayed, leaving Manchester, then taken a few miles on a replacement plane, to Birmingham, where we landed and were left overnight in a hotel with just hand luggage, to continue our journey to Spain the next day. I had a lipstick but little else. We spent two days and lots of hours travelling, in the one set of underwear....

    Put a piece of coloured string on the handle of your suitcase, so that you can quickly identify it when it comes through on the conveyor. Most suitcases these days are black, so they all look much the same.

    More tomorrow.

  • Rain here, also!
    I like your tips, LINDY. I've never photocopied my passport. Good idea. My tip would be to take a sandwich or filled roll, in case of need....
  • Rain here as well - sounds as though it's all over. Heather at the top, Lindy in the middle and me at the bottom.
  • Enjoyed reading Friday posts in the evening, but realised I was just too tired to write. Had a crazy day. Lip was still painful and further blown up. I phoned the surgery then triage nurse called back and told me to take an anti-histamine "just in case" and rinse with salt water then see her in the afternoon. She was unsure about what was there, so called duty doctor in to look. They wondered about ABs "just in case" then hesitated because I have had so many recently. Final suggestion was to try to see dentist on the way home "just in case"! Called at dentist but they had closed at three o'clock ("Poet's Day") so I came home and rinsed with salt water for the rest of the day. Not so bad this morning, so am waiting to see how I am on Monday!

    Sunshine this morning, breeze less than forecast, no sleet yet. A catch-up day at home.
  • How awkward for you, OG - to find the dentists closed early. Hope the lip continues to go down.

    Its sunshine here now which is a welcome change. We had high winds last night but that's stopped. Dragged myself off to the supermarket to get supplies - my OH offered to go but it would take him twice as long just to find everything, and I'm not confident that he'd get all I want, anyway! Felt awful when I awoke today, my throat is very sore and I'm now having a real "hack" every time I have my dry cough. My OH said cheerfully that I've either got a different version of what he has, or I've got the dreaded virus already!!!

    I bought lots of comfort food and we've had a cosy lunch - now I'm going to flop down in a chair for a bit. We got out the big suitcases yesterday and I've had a root around in them, I seem to have put enough t shirts in already!

    More packing/travelling tips later....