WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) Sunday, February 23, 2020

Happy New Week all.  

Back from busy day; friend's 'celebration' of her husband's life was lovely  - she's a whizz with cameras, videos, etc, etc., and compiled a lovely video program that captured his life, interests, family, etc..   Lots of people turned out for a much-loved person.   Two other friends and I were in charge of the lunch for the family after a memorial rock (from the part of the Sierras where he hiked every year for 70 straight years!!) was placed in the church's garden.  The church group took over the post-service reception food.  I'm not only tired but stuffed to the gills!

Lindybird:  Interesting that our camellias are out tool love the daffs though - that's Springtime!

Hope all who have/are getting colds, etc., recover quickly.

Have a good Sunday!

  • Packing Tips - Main suitcases.

    Write a label with your name, address & phone number on and stick it on the inside of your suitcase. If it goes off to somewhere else without you, and also loses its outside ID label, they will be able to reunite you with it (eventually!) Unidentified luggage gets auctioned off.

    Some people like to roll up their t shirts etc but I prefer to fold in the sleeves and lay them flat. If you have two suitcases because you have a companion, use one to lay everything flat such as shirts, trousers (folded once over), best tops etc. DO NOT have a suitcase each, anyway, as I found to my cost once when I arrived without my suitcase - I had nothing to wear except what I stood up in, and one of my OHs clean t shirts! We mix everything up, and share, so that at least we have something to put on.

    We put our underwear and small items into the useful new idea: packing cubes. They have an all round zip, so when you arrive, you just put them in a drawer with their "lid" open. Or if, heaven forfend, there are not enough drawers, you can just plonk them on a shelf or into the bottom of the wardrobe.

    Take a disaster box, that is, one of the packing cubes with small knife (for eating fruit), bit of string, rubber bands, several medium sized plastic bags with a zip type closure. I also include a tiny set of a spectacle mending kit with teeny screws and minute screwdriver, and an emergency tooth filling kit! I include several sheets of paper kitchen towel and any spare batteries needed for electrics. I keep small scissors in my toiletries bag. Endlessly useful!

    Put anything like sun cream or lotion into a secure plastic bag, in case it leaks.

    We take a couple of melamine mugs, for tea whereever we are, and inside those goes a packet of sweeteners and two teaspoons. You can put things such as a plastic bag full of teabags inside a man's shoe - waste no space!
  • I'm amazed, LINDY! You think of everything.
  • LOL! Heather - you'd think so, but last year we got there and found we'd forgotten to bring hats, essential in the hot sun. We had to buy one each, in spite of having three each (various designs) at home.

    More tips to come.....

    Rang our Youngest, and he answered with a rough sounding voice - they both have a similar head cold although thankfully the children are alright at present.
  • Hello everyone.
    We have arrived in Malta. We did wonder how wise it was to travel, but the booking had been made.
    I read that Heathrow terminals had been given a 'deep clean' and hand gel liberally available, but saw no evidence of that. We do not relish the idea of having to prolong the stay in a hotel, after hearing about the Tenerife one. Anyway, OH has brought extra supplies of essential medicines, just in case.

    The young woman sitting next to me on the plane was wiping everything that didn't move with an antiseptic wipe!
    I told her I was glad she did that, as I thought I would do the same. Our local branch of Boots had sold out of anti- viral foam, but I found the wipes in Waitrose.

    Harelady, Lovely news about your granddaughter, and her name.
  • Lindy, sorry you are not feeling well. Look after yourself. I like the idea of comfort food, although I do find that to be rather calorific! My OH has just eaten some ice cream for that very reason (comfort food I mean, not for calories).
  • Rosy: I hope you have a safe, fun, wonderful holiday!!!

  • Daren't think about the calories I've eaten in the last couple of days! Rosy, I hope you have lovely time in the sunshine in Malta.