Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 16 February 2020


I hope you all have a wonderful week! I'm thinking of all of you in the monster Storm Dennis. I hope you all stay safe and secure! Take care, everyone.

  • That's a busy schedule alright, Pat! Take one day at a time!

    Heather: Its a shame about your grandson, you must be disappointed but young men do these things without thinking about the possible consequences. Maybe the court appearance will sober and mature him a little - I'm sure he's very contrite now. Thinking of you and sending HUGS.

    Have done some ironing, sorted some (more!) stuff out and put the best photo of Rosie in a frame, removing an old one to do so. She has grown so much in just a few short months!

    Asked my OH to buy some milk and porridge oats this morning, said "Look around in the car, you'll find some shopping bags" He went off and then later said he had had to go shopping without any bags. As he had just picked me up at the time, and I was sitting in the passenger seat, I put my hand underneath the seat and produced a bag, immediately! I also pointed out that there was one of the fold up kind in the pocket of the drivers seat.....
  • HEATHER - sorry about the court case, but pleased they have got around to setting a date. It is a huge upset for all the family, but knowing you, I am sure you will stay strong for your Daughter and the wider family. I wonder how many of the other lads have such a supportive family around them!

    PAT - do you think that perhaps - maybe - you are trying to do too much? I am sure you will get it all done and finished, but please try not to get yourself totally worn out in the process!

    LINDA - I think we mention something like a bag and know there are many kinds - and even where we keep them - but menfolk get an image of "a bag" - a particular one - and can't see it and are "blind" to others they come across! Be thankful that he managed a mental list of two items!

    OH and J had an uneventful journey home this afternoon, after visiting a coffee shop. I am being "entertained " to a guitar recital now as J "had to" test the new strap locks he bought!
  • OG - I didn't list everything I have to complete before Sunday, but I guess it will all get done, which will mean several very early mornings and a few late nights as well. I was very pleased with myself this afternoon - someone asked me to do something else on Thursday and I said 'no'! I really must practice saying that more often.
  • OG;  My OH came back from the supermarket last week claiming they didn't have any brown sugar.........

    Heather:  Hope the court case resolves quickly (well, after two years!) and with minimal fallout for grandson.  Such an easy age to do stupid things.  :-(

    PatO: Glad you liked the walk.  I had coffee with another whale-count volunteer this morning and we're both having withdrawal symptoms but decided we could take walks out to the Point just to wave hallo to whatever's passing.

  • PAT – Dau refers to what she calls the “Theory of Insufficient Reluctance”, ie the inability to say “no” to requests.

    ANNETTE – Good idea for a walk & wave to replace whale watching. Chauffeur  Friend & I are planning coffee meets to replace photo excursions until the weather improves.

    OG – I’m sure I remember that OH did not take his camera after his first trip or two. So I doubt he will find any photos, but I shall not say it too loudly while he is co-operating with cleanup.

    We had moisture yesterday – can’t call it rain. The grand total of 0.2 mm! It did wet the paths.

  • AQ - Had to smile at the 'Theory of Insufficient Reluctance'. I'm afraid I am a life-long sufferer, but am realising I also suffer from another life-long problem - the inability to be in two places at once! So I am trying to overcome both these afflictions, and I do see a tiny spark of hope, perhaps not of full recovery but at least a positive step forward.
  • Good Morning. Dry but misty looking here.

    I love the Theory, AQ!! Must remember that one. Sorry your rain wasn't up to much - we must have stolen it all. The media here is full of pics of land under water, a lot of it in unprecedented areas.

    Pat, you must strive for balance! It's not fair for others to expect too much of you.

    Annette, I wrote a reply last night but it wouldn't post: it sounds a good idea to have a ramble along the area you used to do the whale watch, and give them a wave - hopefully you'll see more of them, too.
  • Hello to all
    Thank you for supportive messages regarding Callum x
    I've shed the tears, now we'll deal with what has to be dealt with. I won't mention it again here until there is some news. All the family have talked and talked and we are also taking a break and just giving quiet love and support.
  • Difficult times, Heather. You've a talked it through and now, as you say, it needs to be got through. Please let us know the eventual outcome.

    We had a sort of family crisis recently, where someone was hugely hurt: we all talked about it to her and also amongst ourselves, without her. Then we decided that we'd talked ourselves out and we needed to just "live with it". Nothing else could be done and so no point in going over it more. I hope you can all let yourselves relax, later and put it down to one of life's hiccups.
  • Good evening all. I hope we are all surviving life's struggles and wish for the best for everyone.

    I have my Daughter and Seraphina and Luna arriving on Friday until Sunday and am so excited. I saw them a month ago but it looks  like Seraphina (8.5 years) has grow so much in the latest photos and Luna (almost 3) is still a cheeky monkey. When my Daughter was on the phone to her boss she decided to decorate the lounge with a toilet roll - she was so very proud of her efforts that my Daughter had to laugh. My Son's 2nd child is due any day so we are all desperately waiting for the call. My Daughter in Law is having the baby at home and has had a birthing pool delivered.

    So sorry for anyone caught up in these awful floods and I see that there is more heavy rain due in the next 24 hours in the flooded areas.

    The gardener returned and did what he should have done in the first place to the Olive tree and put in 2 extra longer stakes with proper rubber ties and the tree looks so much more stable so fingers crossed.