Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 February 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. I also hope everyone stays safe from the big UK storm.

  • Good Morning. Scudding clouds, here. My OH is off to see if he can get a golf game, but it might be too wet on the greens for it to be allowed, today, after all the rain we've had.

    Rosy, I tried over years to get together enough sets of plates, cutlery and mats, etc, for all occasions. Now apparently I've got too much! I've compromised by keeping the Festive plates under the stairs and by getting rid of a lot of things which could be surplus, but I've still got more than one set of china!

    Upset to hear, today, that the HS2 line is going to go ahead as I think it's a vanity project and a monumental waste of money, given that there are so many other parts of the country desperate for an upgrade.
  • Lindy - Looking in my china cupboards this morning, there are so many things I don't use but can't bring myself to get rid of. Most of them are 'family heirlooms' and have so many memories it would be like getting rid of a loved one. Do I need to be stronger and get rid of anything I haven't used for ages? I don't think I could …

    And yes, ditto to your thoughts on HS2. Think how many hospital beds could be opened, how many new doctors and nurses trained, how many potholes could be dealt with, how many urgent flood defences could be provided, how many rural areas could be helped with transport … etc etc etc. And what does it provide? A mere twenty minutes off the time it takes to get from London to Birmingham! Sometimes I wish I understood our government - but most of the time I'm glad I don't!!!
  • I find it hard as well, PAT. My parents collected a large, complete and very lovely dinner service. It does take up a lot of room in the dining room unit and we only use it at Christmas. It has to be hand washed but it carries so many memories of Christmases when I was a child. My son has asked to have it when I fall off my perch. I hope that there won't be any 'Bellas' in the family when that day arrives !
  • Lovely to know it's going somewhere where it will be loved, Heather. My late Friend G said to me that she had thrown out or donated a whole lot of things which she knew her daughter would hate -- young people have different tastes. Even when they were things which had gone down through the family. But then, she was a passionate "thrower -outer", unlike me!
  • Good morning. Wind was rough last evening and in the night, with some light showers – no frost but not very warm. Possible snow this afternoon, so sent OH out this morning instead – over the border to M&S Food and Asda. It will probably miss us, but is shown as S Scotland and Northern Cumbria so can’t be sure our coastal position will keep it away this time.

    J was getting worried last evening – they have had three mischief fire alarms Friday and yesterday and each time got very cold standing out on the field trying to count pupils who won’t stay still in their designated groups. Tried to calm him by repeating that “S*** happens” and you can’t do anything by worrying in advance. He did reach the bottom of his ironing pile at the weekend – at last!

    Our new 25% Minister did his first service Sunday; I didn’t get there, but I have been in touch with him re writing for the Magazine. He is holding an Open-Door session next Saturday and seems he will do this monthly because of not living in the town – he has a retirement house further down the coast into Galloway.

    I agree with the opinions about HS2 and how the money could be spent so much better! As you know, I can’t agree about special occasion and heirloom tableware, because I am in the flinger category! To me, a plate is a plate is a plate, but I try to sympathise with the hoarders when you are trying to make space!

    Having sent OH out, I am not sure what I am doing today, but whatever it is, I really ought to do something!
  • I hope that there are no more false alarms for J today, OG. Anxiety is such a crippling disorder and so exhausting. My youngest is struggling at the moment and her IBS is consequently exacerbated. Her GP is not being very helpful. She hasn't been to the surgery for over two years and when she did phone wasn't offered an appointment. All done over the phone ( triage system) and my daughter directed to websites which may help. She told the doc about her low mood. Reply was to the effect that daughter's mood was probably because she was ' overwhelmed' by her anxiety and symptoms of IBS (which are very distressing and embarrassing). And then they wonder why people go off and self harm...... Rant over!
    My china is 90 years old or thereabouts! I think for me it is about space. I'm fortunate in that I have enough cupboards (just!) to be able to keep treasured items - which is, I suppose ,why our palaces and country houses are full of them !
  • I wonder if any palaces would be interested in any of my things? A rather nice glass penguin, for example ...
  • Ha ha, PAT! But it might be very collectable, you never know! As good as money in the bank :-) I watch antique programmes on the TV, can't you tell?
  • It is Caithness Glass, Heather … I watch antique programmes as well, and quite a number of my items have found their way into my 'antique box'.
  • I like most Caithness glass, PAT, have a few pieces, not many.