Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 December 2019


Photo: Aurora Borealis
U.S. Geological Survey: Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • I couldn't get on here, either, today, after my 1st post.

    We heard fireworks at 12.30pm, Grr! Just going to bed ourselves, and thinking of those already asleep: have people no consideration?

    Had a mixed day of leisure interspersed with action: finished wrapping Chr. presents this morning! -- We go to see Youngests family on Saturday, to swap presents. I also did some ironing and other h.work. This afternoon, I flaked out on the sofa after being up so late last night.

    Wendy, nice to hear that you read our ramblings. Glad you've enjoyed your doggy walks.
  • I also found the site very sluggish this morning.

    Grandson and friend have just left after a nice visit. We got gift certificate from our favorite local restaurant plus other goodies. Oh - and I got a lovely book with audio from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: 250 North American birds - and their songs! :-)) OH got socks and a selection of hot sauces.
  • Am in bed, and can hear lots of noise, as someone is letting off fireworks at 11.20pm. Feel like getting dressed and going to find whoever it is, to give them a piece of my mind .. ...

    Your presents sound lovely, Annette - how thoughtful.

    Must get up and get lots done tomorrow. Friend Gs OH is coming to dinner, but its just us so nothing fancy.
  • Good Morning. Still dark here, and my OH is moving around downstairs getting ready to go to golf. I must get up, too, and get going...
  • Dry this morning and predicted rain failed to arrive..
    Youngest has been lucky so far with sun and frost which is good for walking.
    Bank Holiday up here in Scotland but I won’t waste the day as taking down the decorations and cleaning my over after roast rib of beef and Yorkshire puddings 2 days running . YPs twice not the rib of beef:-) All that mess but lucky guests as I am the irritating veggie but still excel at meat. It was given 5*.....
  • Well done on your cooking scores Wendy! ;-)

    Dry here but only 6 degrees, and in the wind it feels much colder. Had to pop out for various bits for tonight's dinner - we decided against offering a starter, but are having a cheeseboard with biscuits & grapes. The tablet just changed that to chessboard!!!!!!
  • I'm the same, Wendy - dirty oven..... Next week will be a time of great activity here. Son and family leave here on Saturday morning.
    It has been lovely having them staying - a special time as I only see them once or twice a year.

  • Heather I am open plan and can spot a dirty oven door from every corner of the room...
    Enjoy precious family time..
    Both top and bottom done.. decorations all packed away( I do miss the twinkly lights) and a nice walk across our local deserted golf course.
    Youngest goes back Monday and at present no drives down south planned.... yet:-)
    Taking dogs for a trip to a secure many acred dog play park so hoping weather stays dry. It’s quite a drive to Rhynie but worth the trip.
  • LINDA – Six degrees? Stand-by, I’m coming over! At 9 am 33.8 C with 10% humidity here, heading for another hot windy catastrophic day. This horrible weather will hit NSW & VIC tomorrow. Dreadful stories emerging.

    I have hung the washing, waiting for second load to finish, probably first is already dry.

  • Hi all, can't believe so many pages already.
    Lindy what a lovely poem - echoes all thoughts here too.
    Hope you all had a good New Year - let's hope its better than last year
    AQ - still thinking about those fires out there and what damage they have caused. So many people have died and homes lost. Do hope folk will be able to rebuild their lives soon.
    Weather has been cool and damp although yesterday was better. Today has been a bit windy and cloudy all day.
    OG - glad your medical checkup went ok.

    Take care all.