Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 December 2019

To all my dear friends on the RSPB forum:

Happy Winter Solstice and Season’s Greetings!

Tonight, I am celebrating the return of the light. The Winter Solstice marks the lengthening of the days and the homecoming of the Sun.

We are on the cusp of a new decade. In the coming new year, I hope light will triumph over darkness. I wish you all security, well-being, and contentment.

Peace, joy, and justice to all beings for 2020!

Photo: Aurora Borealis over the North Pole, Bear Lake, Alaska
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)
GPA: U.S. Government Photo Archive

  • Bonnie enjoying her birthday present, as she is 5 today!

  • M&S went very well - all their elves were amazing, the speed at which they restocked shelves, and didn't mind being asked where to find various items! OH is busy working through a great pile of washing up, and J is doing his ironing. He had been asked to wash up this afternoon but hadn't bothered; getting rather impatient with him - so I have asked him to go to the tip with his father tomorrow as the old oven is still here on the drive - his answer was "I don't want to be trying to move an oven with Dad" so I said "Okay, he can do the oven and you can do all the rest"!
  • Hello everyone. I have rather lost the plot on here as have been AWOL for some time.
    Family and neighbourly matters have been occupying me recently.

    I could not let the Festive season come and go without wishing all on here a Happy, healthy and peaceful Christmas season (I can mention the word now, can't I?).

    Sorry to read about the fires in Australia and poor AQ suffering in the heat, while most of us in the UK (both north and south) permanently have our brollies up!

    Time flies Lindy. Bonnie already five! I see she is still very energetic.
  • Nice to hear from you, Rosy. Sorry if you've had various problems to occupy you, both in the family & with neighbours. I wish you a Happy Christmas, too, and a healthy 2020.

    Bonnie is still very energetic, but in between bouts of dashing around, has got better at sleeping in various chairs and dog beds, dotted around the house!
  • Dreaming of goodness knows what, this afternoon...

  • Evening all:  Met grandson for nice chatty lunch; it's so nice to have kids turn into grown ups that you can discuss adult things with (yes, very dangly "with" there but oh well....).   He and his girlfriend are off to Arizona long before the crack of dawn Xmas Day.  I went and picked up a few grocery items; lots of traffic but everyone good-natured and smiley.

    OG: Let us know who ends up doing the dishes vs. carrying off the old oven.  :-)

    Rosy: Good to see you; hope the distractions haven't been too taxing.

    AQ: Was reading on the BBC site that many of Oz's firefighters are volunteers.  I don't think anyone who does that work could be paid enough.  

    Hope everyone has a good Christmas and thanks for sharing your worlds every day on the thread. We've been at it a long time!

    Take care everyone.

  • We certainly have, Annette: I joined in here, on the old RSPB Site when I first got a desk computer, in 2008!

    Lots has happened in that time.

    Here we are again, with yet another Christmas & another New Year looming. We all have very different lives but have some common ground in a love of nature and in particular, a fantastic bird, the osprey.

    Good Morning, it's still dark and cold here. My OH has just got dressed and gone out without breakfast, to buy some foil to put around the turkey as when we checked last night, there was a packet of it in the cupboard but only about an inch of it left! I also mentioned forgetting to buy a courgette yesterday: I prefer spiralised courgette with salad to having lots of limp lettuce.

    I hope everyone has a good day!
  • My OH returned with a packet of 3 courgettes! Will have to give at least one away. He doesn't eat them.

    And a rather strange looking packet of foil - they had already sold out of the very large size.
  • Lindy - I'll happily relieve you of your spare courgette. I make a mean ratatouille! I can let you have some foil in return.

    Are we all ready for tomorrow, then? Well, if you're anything like me, not quite! I'm pretty much sorted for the day itself, but as I will be away until Saturday, I'm not quite ready for that! And definitely not even started to be ready for Sunday. Hey ho … busy day today, then. And must listen to Carols from King's this afternoon. And must remember not to go to bed until after I return from Midnight Communion. And must do some packing.

    Happy Christmas Eve, everyone. At least the sun's shining this morning, and we are promised a dry and sunny Christmas Day as well.
  • Sorry I haven't been her for a while but things have not been easy lately. The relapses from statin toxicity have been worse than expected and it looks like it is going to be a long haul to some form of recovery. OH is at least doing alright. I am expecting to have a battery of tests next year to find out what is happening. Whether that will have any results we wait and see.

    On a more positive side I have spoken to several people about this and it has resulted in three people being taken off their by their doctors.

    I wish everyone a Happy Christmas and New Year!