'FORUM FRIENDS, WILDLIFE-FROM-WHEREVER' (Off-season, all cams off at Loch Garten)

OK I'll start this off. Czech Republic jays and a red squirrel.


  • !!!

    (The site was seizing up just now - 1st of the month syndrome raising its ugly head? but not for long, phew!  EDIT - it was worse than I thought.)

  • Lovely updates Scylla, only getting onto site now!!!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Well done CATLADY! I managed to refresh the LG posts list and saw your name with "an hour ago..." beside it, but the site was still seized up so I cleared cache and cookies and it's taken me forever to get signed in.

    I won't be venturing into RF to post anything for a while Tired face
  • OHIO - I've done the bird feeder as well as the anmal cam today.

    First bird in @ 07:08:

    Next was a female Northern Cardinal (not that we can tell here, but I do think that the females are even more beautiful than their vividly red partners):

    Oh heck, I've got stuck on the third bird, let's do some kitchen work:

    The same bird in semi-colour before full daycam, together with a couple of NCs:

    See ya later.

  • Later... that mystery birdie left but maybe this is it returned, and I'm wondering if it could be an American Goldfinch, non-breeding male or immature male?

    (There were 7-8 of them later but I'm not doing another snap!)

    There followed (in no particular order, as they say on Strickly) Grackle, Redwinged Blackbird, N Cardinal, Squirrel, Chickadee, Blue Jay... no Mourning Dove!  I bet they were at the ground feeder.

    Purple Finch:

    Black Phoebe (the furniture kept interfering with its outline):  (EDIT - Dark-eyed Junco!)

    American Crow:

    Rascals United:

    That's up to 09:00.

  • Ground feeder - 07:05 first one in :-*

    And 5 minutes later, here's the predicted Mourning Dove:

    Whatever the weather:

    Two BlueJays got descended upon:

  • Lovely captures, Scylla. Re: your post on the previous page, it looks to me like American Goldfinch is correct. The photos on allaboutbirds show several variations, but I'd go for a female or immature. But I think your Black Phoebe is a Slate-colored Junco (must spell 'coloured' like the locals--lol!), one of the Juncos now known as Dark-eyed Junco, of which there are many versions, depending on locality, or that's my conclusion having searched them on allaboutbirds.org and search.macaulaylibrary.org. If you search Black Phoebe on the allaboutbirds site, you will see that their range is spread through coastal California, the far southwest of the USA and nearly all of Central America, not particularly near to Ohio, unfortunately!
    TJ, Can you confirm the ID or say 'tis wrong, please?!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Mini-drama:

    See how the Grackles reacted quicker than the RW Blackbirds to a threat:

    Soon they were back:


    Later there were lots of Sparrows.  Come evening, the IR seemed to be slow to turn on, no-one seen.

  • Fergus posted a blog entry on 27 November (I have just spotted it) about the ongoing restructuring of Abernethy Forest. Please see the link below. Ian
