'FORUM FRIENDS, WILDLIFE-FROM-WHEREVER' (Off-season, all cams off at Loch Garten)

OK I'll start this off. Czech Republic jays and a red squirrel.


  • Animal Rescue Station, Makov

    Deer food:

    But they seem to like eating bread:

    This deer was scared off by the swan but the other was unfazed:

    Colour-matched Magpie and unknown kinda duck:

    The disabled gull(?) does a lot of physio, hoping to fly one day:

  • scylla said:
    I'm hoping KORKY will get one of her Jay-with-beak-crammed-with-nutz specials,

    We aim to please

    (c) Záchranná stanice živočichů Makov - Krmítko (bird feeder)

  • Unknown said:
    We aim to please

    And never fail, dear Korky Blush

    There have been mainly rabbits in Ohio since I last checked, except for this Opossum (not with broken tail) who took away some cake:

  • All lovely Scylla, you have been busy with all these cameras.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Thanks Scylla, Korky and Catlady, for pics and posts.
    Scylla, Your video posted early this morning from the Ohio feeder cam might show a Black-capped Chickadee, but several features puzzle me. The pale rusty-brown side patches look good for that, but the edges of the black patches on the head do not seem to have a sharp edge but are a bit blurred, and what might be streaks of brown or black on the bird's sides do not fit with a BC Chickadee, although those might be distortions from the camera, the angle, etc. Those look more like they might point to something like a Blackpoll Warbler, but I have no idea if they are found in Ohio in the winter. Tentative guess is for a Black-capped Chickadee...
    See these: www.allaboutbirds.org/.../overview and www.allaboutbirds.org/.../overview
    TJ, Any ideas, please?

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Unknown said:
    Tentative guess is for a Black-capped Chickadee...

    Black-capped Chickadee for me Ann. They are very frequent visitors to the Akron feeders. I think all the warblers would have migrated south by now.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Thanks, TJ, that was my thought, too. Never heard of overwintering Warblers over there.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Thank you, GardenBirder Blush

    Unknown said:
    Black-capped Chickadee, but several features puzzle me

    I googled BC Chickadee but that's how I felt too, and I couldn't spend a long time on it.

    So thank you, TeeJay too, for the vote of confidence in GB Smiley

    After I went to sleep it rained more heavily there and only the odd rabbit ventured out to eat.

    First in in the morning, before daycam, were Mourning Doves and Northern Cardinals, then squirrels - these two came in quick succession:

    Then the first birds were joined by Sparrows, Grackles, Starlings, Red-winged Blackbirds, all sorts, including a Red-bellied Woodpecker (I hope) whom I couldn't get a nice closeup of.

    This Mourning Dove wouldn't tolerate the Blue Jay and the latter was forced to fly:

    As it flew a Red-bellied Woodpecker flew in and was tolerated just long enough to snatch a seed:

    Junior and Senior Redwinged Blackbirds?

  • A shortie of the Chickadee - it's paid several visits, always a singleton.

    Lots of male Red-winged Blackbirds came and went:

    A bigger mini-flock of sparrows did the same thing a bit later - but they're at it all the time ;-D

    These may be 2 different individuals:

  • Animal Rescue Station, Makov

    A young deer got bottle-fed - but first the one-winged swan exercised and a gull flapped past: